17 February 2021

How To Find Your Calling In Life

Many people go around perplexed about their calling in life. Some might wonder what their calling in life has to do with anything. There is a good reason for people to think about their life calling. The reason is that most people need to feel a higher cause for their lives and existence. Most people have a spiritual side. They need to feel that they aren't born to just live through a series of experiences, just to die.

They need to feel that there are reasons why they experience the things that they do. They need to feel that they, or we can use the various experiences that we go through in life for a higher calling or good.

So, with all of this said, just how does one go about finding their calling in life? There are many ways to go about this task. For one thing, a person can set aside some time for contemplation and meditation. As a matter of fact, deep contemplation and meditation are necessary for this accomplishment. So find a nice quiet place that allows you to open up your mind. Think about the things that you have experienced so far in your life. Joyful or painful, those experiences have taught you something about people, and about yourself. Think about how you handled those situations. Did you learn how to handle the situation in a healthy way? Did you handle things in an unhealthy way? Do you know the difference? All of these questions and more can be clues to finding your calling in life.

Particularly for those who have lived lives full of pain and suffering, using those experiences to find your life purpose can be healing. If people thought that they were simply suffering in vain, then this could make a person feel that they have no worth, or that their lives don't matter. If they can share their sufferings, and how they overcame those sufferings, then they now have a life purpose. Their purpose could be uplifting others who have suffered the same fate. You could become a light of hope and aspiration to those who might feel that nobody understands what they are going through.

Another way to find your calling in life is to meditate and contemplate the things that make you happy, and that makes you feel joy. Wouldn't it be great to be able to use your energy, especially professionally doing the things that bring happiness and joy to others? Of course, it would! So take the time to calculate out how you can use your positive energy and light as the purpose of your life.

Finding your life purpose can take years, and sometimes it takes all of your life to look back, and realize what your purpose in life was. However, once you find it, you will find such a sense of fulfilment and peace that others who don't realize their life purpose will never have.

Written by Yola Bastos



Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

10 February 2021

How Kindness Can Get Your Further In Life


There are two things I know for sure about kindness. 

1. Kindness is not weak.

2. Often, kindness not easy.

Kindness is often characterised as an individual who is missing his backbone. Someone who apologizes for something that's neither his responsibility nor doing nor who is standing in the background being trampled on and taken advantage of because he has no boundaries.

True kindness, however, is neither weak nor easy. It takes strength, patience, and wisdom to be kind. The "kind" acts that we do to be "nice" to avoid conflict, confrontation or seem to mean aren't kind at all. Unfortunately, by being "nice" we neglect the potential negative impact of our actions. 

Everyone has heard of people doing random acts of kindness and paying kind acts forward without expecting anything in return for themselves. The payout or payoff as many self-help people would say is that they get a good feeling and make their own lives happier just by doing kind acts for others. If you are kind to yourself, kind to others, and kind and gentle to the earth, as Michael J. Chase has said in speaking engagements, your life will be better. Also, your relationships are sweeter and your health is much improved.

Chase is a unique person. He did not experience much kindness in his early life; rather, he endured hard times that caused him to do much soul searching. Eventually, he had a startling and profound realization that completely turned his life around. Rather than keep this new knowledge for himself along, he decided to share it with others and teach them what he had learned. The main way he did this was to write a book about the philosophy of kindness, which explains how spreading good feelings helps everyone in the world.

He'll be the first to tell you that kindness is about much more than just being 'nice'. Paying for the coffee for the car behind you at the drive-thru is being kind, and taking brownies in for your coworkers is kind. As he asks in "Am I Being Kind" it's far more than just being nice, and once you discover these things deep inside yourself, you'll truly understand its full potential for enhancing your own life.

It's so easy to be kind if you just think about it as you go about your day. It won't take anything from your wallet, but it certainly pays in at least a moment or two of happiness for everyone involved. When you do something kind, hopefully, it encourages that person to do the same; and it continues from one person to the next and the next and the next. The result? A better outlook, a renewed sense of the good in others, a desire to be kind and experience the positive feelings for you and others. Don't just read about it here though, try it for yourself and see how your attitude and mood changes; it's hard to be negative or depressed after a simple act of kindness.

Even if you're depressed and feel like you have nothing to give to others, you should realize that this is not true. The next time you have that negative attitude, turn it around by doing something kind for someone else. Share positive feelings, and in turn, you will feel more positive about yourself and your life, and so will those around you. Everyone benefits when people are kind.

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

4 February 2021

Embrace and Just Be Yourself

Fears, doubts and insecurities are all around us, outside and inside of us. Sometimes it may even seem easier to "just want to be someone else" as we wrap ourselves up in these negative feelings. The grass may appear much greener on the other side based on our perceptions and ideas. Which may or may not be slanted in the right direction, based on the past or current experiences we have had. The reality is often the exact opposite and others are more afraid than we are.

What if the person you think has everything going for them looks in the mirror and hates the way they smile, or how large they think their eyes are? What if everyone else in their family has brown eyes and they are made to feel out of place for having blue ones? If the messages they have heard from family, friends or loved ones has always been negative regarding a certain characteristic or feature, their self-esteem will have taken solid hits from that.

It's comical how others are envied for superficial beauty, wealth or relationships that people would fight to trade places with them because many of them are looking at us and thinking the same thing. You appear as the smartest person around and they wish they had the same people or conversation skills that you do. That feeling of quiet desperation to "be someone else" results in the lack of confidence, low self-esteem and any hope that we can ever improve our situations in life.

This is a perception and not your reality. Rather than spend your life wringing your hands about who you can't be, or what you don't have in it, concentrate on finding out how to make things better for yourself. Ask questions and find solutions to how to be a better person and to accept yourself for who you are. You can always learn new skills, ask trusted friends or advisers for areas they think you could improve in and how.

Just because that's the way "you have always been" doesn't mean that's the way you must always remain. Taking steps to self-improvement can open up new doors of experiences and opportunities for you. Then you can, in turn, inspire and motivate others.

Get rid of the regrets in your conversations with yourself and focus on being a first-class citizen in your own mind. Accept yourself for who you are, improve what and where you can and stop constantly comparing yourself to others. All of us will always be insecure at times but that doesn't have to be a life sentence for being unhappy. Loving ourselves no matter what begins with the act of self-acceptance. Once we achieve that, contentment will follow. 

How To Use The Law of Attraction To Reduce Stress

As much as stress is witnessed in a large portion of our lives, is it important that we practice and appreciate some of the best possible ways to help us calm down the nerves? 

Stress can manifest itself in many ways causing physical, emotional, or even mental issues. It is therefore very critical for stress victims to recognize the source of anxiety and find the optimal approach to either minimize or end it.

The law of attraction together with stress management can help you achieve the much-needed balance. And although most stress reduction techniques are subjective; meaning that what may work for you may not work for another, the law of attraction can work for almost anyone. The law basically uses the power of the mind to achieve a specific outcome where the conscious and subconscious thoughts are put into focus – It is simply using our thoughts to attract what we want.  

There are four steps to be followed when using the law of attraction to reduce or end stress:

1. Focus on what you want

This is achieved by focusing on your life and find out the main cause of stress. Is it your partner? Is it school? Is it work? Would you do a different job to have a piece of mind? – You should focus on what you really want and have a rough sketch of how you are going to achieve that.

2. Ask what you want

Once your focus is on whatever it is that you want, it is now the time to put the power of your mind to work. Let the universe and the energy of your thoughts work together; Choose a different partner, apply for a better pay job, ask for a raise, or you can explore your talent. Let people feel and know your desire.

3. Visualize whatever you want

To visualize whatever you want is to feel, behave, and act as if you already have what you desire. Positive thinking is critical in the law of attraction; negativity and fear should not be within you. Your general outlook should be optimistic then relaxation will follow. Pessimism and doubt should be avoided to have the law work according to plan.

4. Let go of your preconceptions

You never know; there may be another way to reduce your stress level that you’ve never thought of. It is for this reason that you should always remain open to other outcomes to improve your life. This can mean extra cash from working overtime, getting another job, or even getting your superior’s job.

The law of attraction is often used together with other stress relief options to effectively gain the desired outcome. The power of positive thinking is indeed a very powerful option. 

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix, Supporting women all the way to success.

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