Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

6 September 2022

Alopecia, my dear friend...

Alopecia, my dear friend, 

this blog article is mostly for you and my dear readers. 

I haven't written any updates about you, my friend Alopecia, since I was diagnosed in March, and I must say that it is good to be focused on other layers of my life as well and move forward.

My friend Alopecia, you are still with me, and that's alright.

Now let's get some updates. By the doctor's conclusion, you came into my life because of an iron deficiency in my body, and that is no longer the situation. Yay! Isn't that wonderful news?! You are smiling (I know you are... ) Thank you for that.

As I said, you are still here, but my iron improved very well and I might continue to take one more dose of 2 months of iron tablets in order to reach a point in my organism that will make my hair grow again.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and it seems like I'm losing more hair, other times it looks like it's growing, and it's tough to keep up with that, you know?! One thing I noticed lately is that if the hair is growing, it is white. So cute!

In between all that, I want to share something deeper with you about this trip. I consider it a trip to a beautiful destination where I am becoming a better person, at least to myself.

Since I've been diagnosed with alopecia, different thoughts, situations, and feelings have come into my life.

Let me share one of my interesting examples: 

Walking in the streets is not the same anymore, as I see the look other people give me, either with regret or care. My emotions can go up and down very quickly or even slowly; I start to realise that people are kinder to me because of the way that I look, and at the same time, I decided to become kinder as well, to people and to myself. There's magic in these simple moments.

It makes me go further with a better me, and I had to get this amazing friend (alopecia) to recognise that there is still more of me that can be better.

It leaves me thinking of people who are going through this Alopecia journey like me but also other illnesses and/or diseases that has them losing their hair or cutting it. More importantly, I am left wondering about how they feel and live their lives. I'm travelling on a journey that I did not plan and I would like to know more about other people that are going through the same/similar experience or have been in this kind of situation before. 

Let me share a video that I made recently, where I'm shaving my hair alone! Yes, alone, because when I had my funky hairstyle I couldn't make it. (Here's another great achievement due to my friend Alopecia!) 

Nowadays, every single Friday, I shave my head to decrease the appearance of hair emptiness at the front that I have. I actually started to think that the fact that my iron levels are good now and I'm still taking tablets to increase the empty areas to grow, my other areas with hair are growing like mad lol. It seems to me that it is growing faster ehehehhe... 

Follow me on my Instagram and see my videos and pictures from actual moments every week. 

Life is always full of surprises. Make sure that you are enjoying the ride.


Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix  and Founder of Beautifly Digital

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

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