28 September 2022

Overcoming Fear

Want to become the most incredible, unstoppable version of yourself?
I’m not talking about the usual ‘self-help’ stuff. This goes beyond being a little better with the opposite sex or being a little more productive. Want to take on all new challenges, explore new frontiers, grow and transform yourself?

Then the answer is to overcome your fear. Your fear is what is holding you back. Your fear is what is making you less capable and less formidable. And your fear is what is taking away from your happiness and your fulfilment. It’s time we destroyed fear once and for all and unlocked our full potential.

The Samurai Code

If we want to learn how to really conquer fear, then we can turn to some examples from history. Some of the most fearless, formidable warriors of all were the samurai. So how did they achieve this complete lack of fear? According to legend, there was a technique that the samurai would practice right before battle in order to eliminate their fear. To do this, they would vividly imagine every possible way that they could be killed. They would imagine being impaled, dismembered and decapitated.

Then they would focus on accepting these possibilities and coming to terms with them. They would become okay with a horrific and brutal death. The samurai were actually a very morbid and fatalistic bunch. The bushido code explained that it was an honour to die in battle and that they should constantly keep their mind on death. You’d think this would make them more fearful but paradoxically, it empowered them to be the completely ruthless, fearless warriors that they were. This makes sense: if you fear death, then you will fear life.

If the samurai have accepted the worst thing that could happen to them and if they have come to terms with it, then what reason have they to be afraid? Now imagine fighting someone who has zero fear of death: who is willing to put themselves at risk, to launch 100% into a movement and not be concerned for the potential outcome. They would be devastating.The good news is that we live in a much less dangerous time and you probably don’t need to come to terms with your death in quite the same way. But we can take this same notion and we can look at ways to apply it to our own lives.

Learning from the Stoics

Interestingly, stoic philosophers took a similar worldview when it came to their fears. Stoics believed that the secret to happiness was to be prepared for all the worst possible outcomes and to live inside those possibilities. They thought that blind optimism was one of the quickest ways to leave yourself miserable and disappointed. Think about it: if you constantly expect the worst and get the best, then you are going to find yourself feeling either pleasantly surprised or getting what you expect.

If you constantly expect the best and get the worst, you are going to be consistently disappointed.If you accept that negative things happen and you’ve prepared for them, then there is no reason not to take chances and risks. And there is a beauty in things going wrong. The saddest points of our lives are rich with emotion because we have lost things we cared about. The only way to avoid that is to lived a bland and unexciting life. The moments when we have felt sacred for our lives have been the times our biology and psychology were tested and we had to use our wits and our courage to survive.

The stoics pointed out that the times we are most likely to curse the heavens are the times that we are shocked. For instance, you don’t swear when it starts to rain – this is a normal occurrence and something we anticipate. You swear when you burn your hand because you were surprised. If you expect things to go wrong, they don’t catch you out.

Fear Setting

Tim Ferriss is the author who wrote The Four Hour Workweek. This is a book about finding ways to make your job fit around your lifestyle, instead of having your lifestyle fit around your work. This means deciding what you want from life and then creating a career that will work within that context. Tim explains that many of us will remain stuck in jobs we hate and living lives that we find unrewarding because we’re scared of what will happen if we take a chance.

If we go travelling, our partners might leave us. If we take up a new career, then we might fail and end up bankrupt and destitute. If we look for a new job, we might get turned down by everyone.Fear keeps us frozen and prevents us from moving forward. We are naturally risk averse which means we’d rather cling on to what little we have rather than go forward to win the big prizes. To get around this, Tim borrowed the concepts from stoic philosophers and formalized them into a process that anyone could use to get over their crippling fears.

The process goes as so:

1. First, identify the goal or thing you would like to change. Let’s say you want to quit your job and start your own business.

2. Next, write down all of the things you are afraid of and all of the things that could go wrong. First, your partner might think you are irresponsible and they might leave you. Second, your new business might fail and you’ll be left with debt. Third, your house might get repossessed. Fourth, you might end up vagrant. Fifth, your friends might laugh at you. Sixth, it might all go to plan but you find you hate your new position even more. You get the idea.

3. Now score each of those things on how honestly likely they are to happen. Would your partner really leave you? It’s unlikely unless there are problems in your marriage to begin with, so we can give that a ‘2’. Would you end up destitute or
would you probably find another job, even if it’s a step down from what you were doing before? Give that one a ‘3’.

4. Next: do these things really matter? Score them 1-10. If your friends judge you… who cares?

5. Now, you’re going to go through that list again and you’re going to write down all the ways you could cope with the things that go wrong. These are your contingency plans and the things that you could do to cope. For instance, if you ended up broke you could get benefits, you could dip into your savings, you could ask your parents for help, you could take on a part time job. If your partner left you, you could fulfill that dream of travelling the world.

6. Then go through the list another time. This time, write down all the ways you can mitigate the risk so that it is less likely to happen. Worried about getting into debt? Then write a business model that doesn’t involve a big upfront expense and bootstrap your way to success. Worried about leaving your job? Then start your business in your free time first.

Now you’re going to do something else: you’re going to think about the worst case scenario if you don’t follow through with your plan. That might be that you end up stuck in a job you hate. That one day you’ll be 80 years old and you’ll look back on your life and feel that you never made anything of it. That your body and your mind atrophied from lack of challenge or experience.

What’s worse? I know how I feel!
And focus on what we discussed on that section on stoicism: bad things will happen. You can’t possibly avoid all bad things happening.
Meanwhile, you are only responsible for your own emotions. You can’t make everyone happy all of the time so don’t even try. What you should focus on is accepting this reality and then just doing what you need to for your own emotional and psychological wellbeing in the meantime.

This is why Tim also has the mantra that you ‘don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness’. If your partner is going to be unhappy that you travel, that you take up a business… so be it. You can’t live without taking chances because of someone else your whole life or you will be filled with resentment. And you could die tomorrow, or lose your legs in a car accident. Maybe your partner might run off with another man/woman!

How they react to your decision is up to them. But you can’t let that define your actions.You can’t hold onto things just the way they are. You can’t prevent bad things from happening. All you can do is live life to its fullest and richest right now. That’s why you have to take those chances.

Taking Chances

The above technique can work when you need to make a big decision or plot the course of your life. But what about that acute fear? That short-term fear? Here, the exact same process comes into effect. Scared to speak up in public? Then quickly run through that fear-setting technique where you consider the possible outcomes and why they don’t really matter. You ultimately have two choices: stay quiet and remain fearful, or take chances and grow as a person so that you’re less scared next time.

Thinking of doing a bungee jump? Then again, run through all the things that could go wrong and how likely/serious they are. Sure, the rope could snap or turn out to be too long, but you know that the likelihood of that happening is somewhere in the region of 0.0001% or less. Not only that, but it would be over instantly, you’d never know anything of it.And you can’t live your life in fear.

So, jump!

Returning to the stoics for a moment, there is a saying that you can’t control what happens to you, but you can control your reaction to it. Keep this in mind and keep your reaction calm, even when the world is crashing down around you. All of this can be helped with a little meditation, mindfulness and CBT. CBT is ‘cognitive behavioral therapy’, which is a form of psychotherapeutic intervention that recommends changing your thought patterns in order to change the way you feel and the way you behave. Techniques include the powerful ‘thought challenging’ which essentially amounts to fear setting.

Here you simply look at the limiting thoughts and beliefs you have and then assess how realistic or valid they are. Sound familiar?
And unsurprisingly, CBT is one of the favored methods for overcoming phobias! But something that is even more powerful from CBT is the notion of ‘hypothesis testing’. This means that you don’t just test the ideas in your mind: you actually get out there and test them in person.If you have a crippling fear of public speaking, then you get out on stage and you purposefully give a rubbish speech. You experience that ‘worst case scenario’ first hand and you prove to yourself that it really isn’t that bad.

In doing this, you can learn to desensitize yourself from the things you would normally find scary and you can become a much more fearless and confident version of yourself. And this is really the very best way to overcome fear: it’s to keep pushing yourself and challenging yourself. Keep subjecting yourself to the very things you find daunting.

Fear is a good sign – it’s a sign that you’re growing – and the more you practice keeping your mind calm and steady in these situations, the more you will find that reaction comes naturally. And one more thing: remember to breathe! Breathing deeply will activate your rest and digest system – the parasympathetic nervous system – and this will slow your heart rate and subdue your panic response.
Keep your eye on the prize: if you can eventually eliminate fear, you can take on any challenge and succeed.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix  and Founder of Beautifly Digital


Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

27 September 2022

Real Laugh with Cathy Nesbitt - A Health and Wellness Advocate

Cathy Nesbitt is a Health and Wellness Advocate.

Founder of Cathy’s Crawly Composters (est 2002), Cathy’s Sprouters and Cathy’s Laughter Club. She is a multi award-winning environmental innovator who uses workshops and inspirational speaking to motivate
people to live a more sustainable life.

Cathy is a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.

Appointed Laughter Ambassador in 2017 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga.

Cathy is an avid cyclist and gardener.

Social Media:
https://www.youtube.com/user/rhgn2112 Website:
https://www.cathyscomposters.com/ Freebies:

Zoom Laughter Tuesdays
9:30 AM ET, Every Tuesday Register in advance for this meeting:

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Supporting women all the way to success

Women Flix

21 September 2022

Take Care Of Your Soul

Sometimes, the never-ending responsibilities that people have to accomplish on a daily basis keep them from taking care of their inner self – their soul. While the soul is invisible to the outside world, it is still a living thing that needs to be given particular attention and needs to be cared and nurtured. People strive to do their best and be the best that they can be.

However, they often forget to keep peace in their soul. The health and condition of your soul matter in everything that you do in life. Every soul needs a degree of health. But how can you keep your soul healthy so that it would make it easier for you to improve the quality of your life.

The following are some tips on how you can take care of your soul:


Meditation has become a new trend and lifestyle in this modern world. It provides tremendous benefits to your body, mind, and soul. Meditation empowers your soul, which becomes an important source of love, power, and wisdom. It also helps you attain higher consciousness.

It is recommended that you meditate regularly. Start by taking 15 to 30 minutes of your day to practice breathing exercises. The more you meditate, the more you will find it easy to deal with your day-to-day problems.

Stop Thinking Too Much

You cannot solve your problems all at ones. Life is about learning and discovering new things. Thinking too much about the problems that you are experiencing can sometimes result to more troubles. Take and deal with your problems one at a time.

Learn to Forgive

As mentioned, you have to learn to forgive not just those who have done wrong to you but also yourself. Forgiveness will free you from negativity, resentment, pain, and anger.

Accept and Embrace Your Imperfections

Nobody is perfect. Don’t think that others are better than you. Each individual has his own flaws. Learn to embrace your imperfections and accept yourself as a whole. Your flaws make things interesting and help reveal your individuality.

Take a Break

For at least once a week, try to give yourself your own “ME” time. Unplug yourself from all the things that can make you feel stressed and tired. This means that your “ME” time should be free from internet, emails, phones, and other things that can distract you. The best way to unwind and take a break is to travel to peaceful places.

Practice Least-Resistance

Some people waste too much of their soul energy trying to become resistant to certain things or situations as well as people whom they do not want to deal with. It would be better if you encounter things or circumstances that are unfavorable to you. You have to learn how to accept such things and determine how you can adapt to the changes that such things will bring.

Read Books to Expand Your Mind and Imagination

They say that books are food for the soul. In this regard, it is highly recommended that you read books to expand your mind and your imagination. There are several nonfiction and fiction books that are available in both online and offline stores that will enable you to improve your social perception, increase your awareness and consciousness about reality, and feed your brain.

Make Peace With Yourself

You may be a compassionate person who always wants to make the people around you happy and meet their needs. But have you even given enough of that compassion to your own self? Have you provided yourself with the things that you need to feed your mind, body, and soul? You have to take responsibility for your own soul and for your choices, behaviors, thoughts, and needs.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix  and Founder of Beautifly Digital


Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

14 September 2022

Self-Help Tips for Dealing with a Lack of Confidence

Many people suffer from a lack of confidence. This is nothing to be ashamed of, though. Unfortunately, it’s been a part of our society for a while now, making it a common problem. 

Here is a list of ways that people have been able to deal with their lack of confidence.

1. Live in the moment. When you live in the moment you can focus on the now rather than focus on the past where you experienced your hurt and encountered your fears. You can then be unconcerned and hopeful about your future without the pressure of your past looming up behind you and making your confidence plummet once again. This mindfulness tool takes time to master as it can be hard to ignore the past making its way back into your mind.

2. Develop awareness. When you’re aware, you can notice how you are acting during certain situations. That way, you’ll create space between your emotions and actions, helping you to respond to someone or something in a healthier way.

3. Write in a journal. Many of our thoughts and feelings are stuck inside the subconscious part of our mind. By writing, we are able to release those thoughts. Once you’re done writing, look over what you wrote and try figuring out why you felt a specific way. We can also separate those negative thoughts we tend to have about ourselves from the truth behind who you actually are; a unique person whom can do whatever they set their mind to.

4. Don’t be judgmental. When we approach our lives without judgment, we are able to accept ourselves, our experiences, failures, and successes. On top of that, we are more open to accepting others just as they are, whether they are good or bad.

5. Stay connected to who you are. By doing this you are able to establish a connection with yourself and reduce possible people-pleasing habits. Don’t always think of other needs over your own. You are just as important as everyone else is; don’t forget that!

6. Practice mindful meditation. Meditation allows you to let go off the negative thoughts that invade your mind on a daily basis. Don’t accept those damaging thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs as part of who you are. Take time out of each day to take a couple deep breaths and slowly feel the negativity leave your body and mind.

7. Let it all go. Usually the things you have such low confidence about no one else notices. When you accomplish letting all of the negative thoughts leave your mind, you create a certain trust within yourself and choose what’s best for you.

8. Show yourself some love. Everyone deserves compassion, whether it be from yourself or someone else. When you tell yourself how much you love you, you’ll gain a sense of strength, safety, and acceptance.

Everyone has things they aren’t confident about, whether it be about themselves or a situation they aren’t comfortable in. Each one of us is unique in our own way, but sometimes we forget that. So before getting too down on yourself, remember who you are and remember that you are loved and supported by the people you carry close to your heart.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix  and Founder of Beautifly Digital


Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 )

6 September 2022

Alopecia, my dear friend...

Alopecia, my dear friend, 

this blog article is mostly for you and my dear readers. 

I haven't written any updates about you, my friend Alopecia, since I was diagnosed in March, and I must say that it is good to be focused on other layers of my life as well and move forward.

My friend Alopecia, you are still with me, and that's alright.

Now let's get some updates. By the doctor's conclusion, you came into my life because of an iron deficiency in my body, and that is no longer the situation. Yay! Isn't that wonderful news?! You are smiling (I know you are... ) Thank you for that.

As I said, you are still here, but my iron improved very well and I might continue to take one more dose of 2 months of iron tablets in order to reach a point in my organism that will make my hair grow again.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and it seems like I'm losing more hair, other times it looks like it's growing, and it's tough to keep up with that, you know?! One thing I noticed lately is that if the hair is growing, it is white. So cute!

In between all that, I want to share something deeper with you about this trip. I consider it a trip to a beautiful destination where I am becoming a better person, at least to myself.

Since I've been diagnosed with alopecia, different thoughts, situations, and feelings have come into my life.

Let me share one of my interesting examples: 

Walking in the streets is not the same anymore, as I see the look other people give me, either with regret or care. My emotions can go up and down very quickly or even slowly; I start to realise that people are kinder to me because of the way that I look, and at the same time, I decided to become kinder as well, to people and to myself. There's magic in these simple moments.

It makes me go further with a better me, and I had to get this amazing friend (alopecia) to recognise that there is still more of me that can be better.

It leaves me thinking of people who are going through this Alopecia journey like me but also other illnesses and/or diseases that has them losing their hair or cutting it. More importantly, I am left wondering about how they feel and live their lives. I'm travelling on a journey that I did not plan and I would like to know more about other people that are going through the same/similar experience or have been in this kind of situation before. 

Let me share a video that I made recently, where I'm shaving my hair alone! Yes, alone, because when I had my funky hairstyle I couldn't make it. (Here's another great achievement due to my friend Alopecia!) 

Nowadays, every single Friday, I shave my head to decrease the appearance of hair emptiness at the front that I have. I actually started to think that the fact that my iron levels are good now and I'm still taking tablets to increase the empty areas to grow, my other areas with hair are growing like mad lol. It seems to me that it is growing faster ehehehhe... 

Follow me on my Instagram and see my videos and pictures from actual moments every week. 

Life is always full of surprises. Make sure that you are enjoying the ride.


Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix  and Founder of Beautifly Digital


Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

The Connection Between Self-Care and Financial Empowerment for Women

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