Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

6 July 2021

Generate Free Traffic With Your Own Facebook Group

Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups

Having your own Facebook Group is a great way to generate free traffic. You are in control when you have your own group and it is a great way to increase your authority and influence group members. But you need to set up your group in the right way and keep your members happy.

  • Go for a Closed Group

There are three options for your group when you open it which are:

  1. Open
  2. Closed
  3. Secret

An open group means that anyone can join without applying to become a member. This sounds great but unfortunately, open groups are more likely to be targeted by spammers so we do not recommend this. 

With a closed group, a Facebook user has to make a request to you as the group owner to become a member. This is much better as you are in control of who joins. Closed groups are also searchable.

A secret group cannot be found using a Facebook search. We do not recommend that you go for this arrangement. 

  • Setting Up your Group

Give your group a name based on your best keyword. Remember that you want users to find your group using search so this is the best strategy. If your niche is weight loss then you could call your group “The Weight Loss Winners Group” or something like this.

You can add tags to your group to help identify it in a search so be sure to use other related keywords here. Next, you want to add a striking cover photo for your group. This needs to be a related image with a strong message such as “Learn how to lose weight and keep it off”.

We recommend that you include a photo of yourself as well. It is important that other members know, like and trust you as that is the way that you will exert the most influence over them.

Write a good group description that highlights the benefits to members. If someone is checking out your group to see if they should join they will see the description. So make this the best it can be so that you accrue the maximum amount of members.

  • Your Pinned Post

A “pinned post” will remain at the top of the group all of the time. When new members join it will be the first thing that they see. Make sure that you welcome all of your members in this post. Tell members that the best content about the niche will be in this group.

We recommend that you add a native video in your pinned post as well. This video will be you talking about the advantages of joining the group and what it will do for them. Don’t be shy – get in front of the camera and sell your group!

  • Group Content

You want to actively encourage members to post in the group. Take the lead and post some valuable content yourself. A group that has all of the content posted by the owner looks strange so do everything you can to encourage member participation.

Create posts that answer the questions that your members have. This will help establish you as a true expert and increase your influence. Provide part answers in group posts and provide links to your website where they will find the full answers.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

22 June 2021

Best Types Of Facebook Content


What Are The Best Types Of Facebook Content?

The correct answer to this question will always be “whatever your audience wants” but that would mean that this article would be very short so we will give you some useful pointers here. The type of content that you post on Facebook will certainly affect your engagement rates and the traffic that you get from the platform.

  • Your Facebook Page

Before we get into the different types of content that get the best results let’s talk about your Facebook Page. You need to make this as attractive as possible to your audience and this means that your cover photo needs to be good and so does your intro and the other components.

Pay careful attention to your cover photo. If this is of poor quality or looks like a 5-year-old created it then this will certainly put users off. Nobody is going to look at any of your content if your Facebook Page sucks.

  • High-Quality Image

Facebook is a very visual medium. Users want to see good images that inform and entertain them. Don’t just get a lot of stock photos and use these. Take photographs of yourself and other people in your business.

Images with captions on them are good for getting clicks through to your website. You do not need to be a Photoshop genius to create striking captions for your images. You can use free online tools such as to add good looking captions for free.

Try to use images that are related to your niche. If you own a restaurant, for example, post images of your best dishes and the décor of your establishment. Take pictures of your kitchen and the people that work in it.

Get busy with your camera and take as many interesting photographs as you can. People share a lot of photographs on Facebook so you need to do the same. Humorous images work well as do pictures of beauty.

  • Use Native Video

Did you know that each day on Facebook users views over 8 billion videos? This shouldn’t surprise you as the video is really popular these days with sites like keeping people informed and entertained all of the time.

It is natural for you to create videos about your business and upload them to YouTube because it is the largest video platform. But if you just add links to YouTube videos in your Facebook posts you will miss out on a lot of potential views.

We recommend that you create videos just for Facebook and upload these natively to the platform. Facebook will always give native videos a higher priority than links to external video platforms.

Facebook users like native videos as well as they do not have to leave the social network to view them. Create square style videos especially for your Facebook posts. There are several online tools that will help you to do this. As most people use mobile devices to log in to Facebook, square videos just look a lot better in their news feeds.

  • Short Posts are better

Make your Facebook posts as short as you can. Facebook users do not want to read a 1,000-word post. Provide some interesting facts about the long post on your website and let the user click through if they want to read more.

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

20 April 2021

How To Stop Holding Grudges And Start Forgiving People

Figuring out how to pardon someone who really wronged you is not an easy thing. Most time we imagine that we are over it and have forgiven them but in most cases, we usually hold a grudge against them. However, holding resentment only hurts you more. You only end up stressing yourself over it which cannot only cause psychological problems but also more serious health problems. It is therefore essential to learn the act of forgiveness and to avoid grudges.

Acknowledge the cause of the grudge.

To start with, try to find out the root cause of your grudge. You can only try to find a solution after you are aware of the problem. At times you may come to realize that you were just overreacting and holding a grudge over such a petty thing. Once you have seen the main problem you can then settle on a decision to push ahead from that point. 

Consider the positive side. 

Everything in life has its positive and negative side. Instead of getting angry other the whole issue, try and take it as an invaluable lesson to you. Take in an important lesson or leave with a superior understanding that can assist you to let go of the issue and not despise the one who wronged you.

Put yourself into their shoes. 

At times we may be quick at judging people when they do something bad to us but try fitting yourself into their shoes and you may get a better understanding of why they had to do what they did. This doesn't legitimize their actions; however, it will assist you to comprehend it. The better you understand their intentions, the easier you will find it to forgive them.

Share your thoughts with the other party.. 

A grudge could be as a result of just a small misunderstanding or by confronting the issue the wrong way. Without being biased clarify your feelings on the issue. At that point, choose if this is something you will chip away at in your own heart or by reaching the other individual to come up with a solution. Wait until you have calmed down and then confront the other party in a calm and non-judgmental way. You may choose to solve it among yourselves or try involving a third party. But regardless of the approach, this will help you to get rid of the tension built up in you allowing you to feel more relaxed.

Finally, forgive them.

Obviously, forgiveness does not imply that you will forget the whole incidence. It only means that you have accepted your disparities and acknowledged that we are all human who is prone to error. Forgiveness isn’t easy but it is worth it. It allows you to get rid of that burden off your heart, therefore, giving you peace.

Written by Yola Bastos  
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

30 December 2020

Top 5 Ways to Gain More Social Media Followers


If you own a small business, you are probably well aware of how important social media can be for increasing your bottom line. However, getting started on social media can be incredibly daunting. With all the different options and ways to gain followers, one can quickly become overwhelmed. Here are the top five ways your business can gain more social media followers and increase your bottom line.

1. Create Strong Profiles and Pages

The best way to start growing your audience on any of the social media platforms is to create strong profiles and pages for your accounts. You need to include branded cover photos as well as profile photos, and detailed descriptions of your business. 

2. Share Quality Content

As you begin your journey to gain more social media followers, you need to create and share high-quality, value-added content that your target audience will enjoy. This can include blog content, videos, podcasts, infographics, presentations, etc. This content can be created by you or by others.

3. Add Links

Not only do you want to be sure to include links to all your social media profiles on your business website, but you want to include your site link in all your social media profiles. It will also help to add links to your top social accounts in your email signature. Adding these links will help you to expand your reach and broaden your exposure.

4. Use friend-finding Features

Most of the social media networks provide ways for their users to connect with other people they know. As you first start to use social media to build your brand, you want to ask people you know to follow your account. By having them like and follow you on different platforms, you gain more exposure to a broader audience base.

5. Cross-Promote Your Social Accounts

If you already have a large audience on one of your social media accounts, why not use that to your advantage. Ask followers to connect with you on your other accounts. This can be as simple as sending out a tweet to your Twitter followers asking them if they are on Instagram, and if they are, asking them to follow you there as well. 

Growing your social media followers is easy to do but will take some time. The more effort you put into creating valuable content for your target audience the more followers you’ll gain. 

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix, Supporting women all the way to success.


9 December 2020

3 Ways to Build a Loyal YouTube Audience

Since its launch in 2005, YouTube has become a mainstream social media platform with more than 2 billion unique viewers flocking to the site every day. Once a small niche market, online video has quickly moved into the mainstream and become a regular part of our media consumption. With online video viewing surpassing some of the largest television ratings, it can be difficult for small businesses to stand out in the sea of content. Here are three ways that you can increase your discovery rate and build a loyal audience on YouTube. 

  • Create Meaningful Content

YouTube audiences are fickle, and they are always just a single click away from jumping over to the next video. So, while the saying, “content is king,” still holds true, the key to getting your videos discovered is to create content that will add value to your target audience. It doesn’t matter which creative format you use, be it interviews, how-tos, news-focused, or a scripted web series, you need to make sure they give people a reason to view and share your videos. 

  • Brand and Package Consistently

The most significant challenge that everyone faces on YouTube is getting viewers to come back after they've viewed the original video. Having a viral hit is nothing more than short-term success. To get people to go back to your channel, you have to give them a reason to. This is why branding and packaging are so crucial. Your brand serves as a navigation marker in the sea of online videos. Creating content with a strong point of view will help define your brand. This will also help you position yourself as an expert in your industry. 

The packaging of your video is the branding that is expressed around your content. 

For this, you can include graphic intros or end cards that display your URL or YouTube channel name. 

This helps to reinforce your brand, so people don’t have to guess what they are watching. 

  • Optimize Your Video

When it comes to being found online, it’s all about SEO. The same rules that apply to making your website or blog discoverable, apply to your online videos. YouTube has become the second largest search platform, so when people go to YouTube, they are often searching for something specific. Optimize your videos by creating clever titles and descriptions with relevant keywords. This will help viewers find your content.

These three strategies are some of the best ways to develop and build your audience on YouTube. They have proven successful for reaching beyond the hype of creating viral videos and moving toward your business being able to build a consistent and genuine community.  

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix, Supporting women all the way to success.

2 December 2020

4 Sure Fire Ways to Grow Your Instagram Followers

In the last several years, Instagram has become a well-loved social media platform with over 600 million active users. If your business can build a more substantial Instagram following, it can translate to more sales for your business, more traffic to your blog, and a stronger community for your brand. Building a large Instagram following isn’t hard, but it will take time. 

Here are four surefire ways you can grow your Instagram followers for your business. 

  • Like Photos In Your Industry

The best way to get your name out there is by liking other people’s photos. Every day, spend some time on Instagram and like five to ten pictures on someone's account. You should also try and leave them a genuine comment and start following their account. To find users in your industry or niche, check hashtags and view the followers of your favourite Instagram accounts.

  • Create a Hashtag

Creating a hashtag for your business is a great way to build your community and gain new content for your account. The first step is creating a unique hashtag that isn't already in use. Next, ask others to use it. Once people start using your hashtag, you can begin to repost the images from their followers. This allows you to build a community by showing your followers that you appreciate their photos and it gives you new content for your account.

  • Respond to Your Followers

The entire nature of social media platforms like Instagram is to be social. To grow your Instagram followers, you need to respond to any comments that you receive and leave comments for other people. It is important that your comments be genuine, and they should encourage them to post even more photos. 

  • Collaborate with Others

Another surefire way to extend your reach on Instagram and grow your following is to collaborate with others. This can be either through a partnership or sponsorship. A partnership allows both parties to provide value to their followers while expanding their exposure and reaching new audiences. 

With high engagement rates and more than 600 million monthly active users, it’s no wonder getting more Instagram followers is a huge priority for businesses. 

One of the most important factors to remember when trying to build your Instagram followers is to share great content that is relevant to your target audience, and that provides them with value. 

If you want to develop your presence quickly, use these four tips in your Instagram marketing strategy today.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix, Supporting women all the way to success.

25 November 2020

5 Guaranteed Ways to Get More Fans on Facebook


Today, an estimated 40 million small businesses are using Facebook to promote their business and connect with their customers. Trying to attract new "likes" to your page can be a challenge, but one that is well worth the effort. 

One study found that the average value of a single Facebook fan is $174. While this number varies depending on your business and industry, capturing the loyalty of your target audience is essential. 

Here are five guaranteed ways to attract more visitors and garner more fans on Facebook.

1. Images

A regular part of your Facebook content strategy should revolve around images. Posting captivating and relevant pictures to your Facebook page is an excellent way for you to increase engagement with your audience. As your audience shares the photos that you post, you'll begin to see a boost in your reach, leading to more exposure and fans.

2. Produce Great Content

One of the quickest ways to lose fans is by posting less than stellar content. The most common reason people will, unlike a brand page, is because the business continues to post uninteresting content. Keep more of the fans that you've already gained by creating engaging content that adds value and meets the needs of your audience.

3. Hold a Contest

People love to win stuff. Holding a contest on your business Facebook page is still a great way to persuade people to like your page. It is essential to spread the word about the contest on your website as well as sending the information about it to your email list. If the contest is inventive enough, you'll be able to spread your reach even further and gain more fans. Just make sure that you make "liking" your page a requirement for your contest.  

4. Buy Them

Facebook has some of the most targeted advertising at your disposal. You can use Facebook advertisements to drive more people to your page with the hopes of converting them into fans. With this method, it is crucial that you have a compelling call to action on your page to turn these new fans into customers.

5. Cross-Promote 

A part of your overall social media strategy should include cross-promoting your content across multiple social media platforms. Drive some of your Twitter or YouTube followers over to your Facebook page by providing them with high-quality content and quality engagement on your Facebook fan page.

Just like with all your marketing efforts, it is going to take some time to build your fan base on Facebook. By creating great content and engaging with your audience you’ll turn your Facebook Fan page into a thriving community. 

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix, Supporting women all the way to success.

11 November 2020

How to Get the Most Out of Your Instagram Marketing

Like Instagram, the photo and video-sharing social media platform have become more popular; it has created significant possibilities for businesses to connect with their customers and market their brand. If you've never considered using Instagram for your business, it might be time you did. With over 300 million active monthly users, it's a social media platform that you shouldn't be overlooking. Here are several of the best ways you can leverage your Instagram account to grow your business and achieve success.

Be Consistent

If you want to make the most out of your marketing efforts on Instagram, you need to post on a regular basis. You never want to go more than a couple of days between posts if you're going to avoid being forgotten about. Once you establish a routine for posting photos, it is easy to continue to add more photos frequently.

Be Friendly

It’s rare for a company to have a built-in fan base. To start expanding your reach and exposure, search for hashtags that are in line with your industry. If you own an ice cream parlour, search for photos of ice cream and ‘like’ and comment on them. Potential fans will be thrilled that you’re checking them out, which might lead to them following you. The critical thing to remember is that you want to be genuine with your comments and not desperate.

Edit Outside of Instagram

While Instagram offers an abundance of editing tools and filters, sometimes they’re a bit too much. When it comes to editing your photos, simple is best. There are numerous free and low-cost online editing tools that you can use to edit your photos before posting them to your Instagram account. Try this platform:

Use Hashtags

A great way to help others find you on Instagram is by using hashtags. Using relevant hashtags in your posts can be highly effective for getting noticed. To determine the best hashtags to use for your business, look at other established brands in your industry for examples of what to do when it comes to creating unique hashtags. While Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags, using fewer will get you the quality responses you want. 

As Instagram continues to be a shining star in the world of social media, it has proven itself extremely valuable for businesses. When done right, large amounts of traffic can be driven toward your company helping to boost customer engagement and increasing your brand recognition. 

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix Team 

The Connection Between Self-Care and Financial Empowerment for Women

Women are often faced with numerous challenges when it comes to achieving financial empowerment. However, one important aspect that is often...