Showing posts with label Surprising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surprising. Show all posts

13 January 2022

3 Surprising Facts about PLR Content

3 Surprising Facts about PLR Content

Lily built a thriving coaching business. She loved serving her clients but she wanted to expand to offer more services like group coaching without increasing her workload. Veronica, Lily’s friend, told her about private label rights content or PLR.

“It’s content that a writer or marketer creates and sells to their customers. With private label rights, you can use the content as you and post it online as if you wrote it.” Veronica went on to explain, “You’re free to edit or change the content if you like. You can even add your own thoughts and opinions if you want to.” 

If you’re like Lily and you’re new to the world of PLR content, here are three surprising facts you should know about it…

  • Fact #1: It isn’t stealing to use PLR content.

Stealing content is finding an article online and copying the whole thing to your own website. It doesn’t matter if you credit the author or not. If you take more than a paragraph or two, you’ve violated copyright law because you didn’t have the right to copy that material.

With PLR content, the seller is giving you the right to copy their material. Most PLR providers even allow you to change the content if there’s a point you disagree with or if you want to add your own opinion to the work. 

  • Fact #2: It isn’t unethical to use PLR content.

PLR content is usually created by a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters create content with the knowledge that their name will not go on the content. They know this upfront and they don’t mind. In fact, many ghostwriters enjoy what they do because they get the chance to educate and inform readers while writing on a variety of topics.

PLR content is also used by many different types of businesses. For example, politicians rarely write their own speeches.  Most athletes don’t write their own autobiographies, choosing instead to work with ghostwriters. 

It’s perfectly ethical to use PLR content to serve your community and it’s one of the fastest ways to grow your business.

  • Fact #3: People you respect are using PLR, you just don't know it.

Thousands of online business owners use PLR to power their businesses. It’s how they’re able to produce so many blog posts, podcast episodes, Facebook Live videos, and more. 

The simple truth is trying to create all of your content on your own can be exhausting. But PLR is an affordable solution that’s easy to customize for your community with just a few subtle tweaks.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

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