27 July 2021

Increasing Engagement With Facebook Part 2

Ways To Increase Your Facebook Engagement Part 2

This is the second article about increasing your engagement levels on Facebook to receive more free traffic. By following the advice below, you will increase your chances of receiving more comments, likes and shares which will help to generate more free traffic.

1. Create Shorter Posts

Long posts are not a good thing on Facebook. Most users will scroll through their news feeds until they find something that piques their interest. If they see a very long and wordy post then they are likely to skip past this very quickly.

You also need to take into account that the user is very likely to be using a mobile device. Reading a long post on a phone is not a good experience so you will lose people if you do this. 

It is possible for you to attract the attention of your audience with just a single sentence. The idea is that you want to tell them something interesting and then give them the option to read the full story on your website.

Why not just ask your audience a question? People naturally respond to questions. Or post an image with an intriguing caption on it that will make users curious. You can quote some interesting statistics and persuade the user to click through to the article on your website for the full story. Just keep your posts short.

2. Ask a Question

It is easier to get more engagement if you ask your audience a question. When you ask the right question users will feel compelled to answer. Make it as easy as possible for people to respond to your questions. Create a numbered list and ask your audience to respond by just typing in the appropriate number.

When people are using Facebook they don’t want to work hard. Don’t ask questions and expect your audience to provide a very detailed answer as most of them won’t. For example, you could ask them what subject they would like you to post about next and then give them numbered choices.

Use these questions to increase your engagement:

  • Why do you like…?
  • How do you…?
  • What is your favourite…?
  • Do you agree that…?
  • Do you need help with…?

Just think that all Facebook users are very lazy (this may not be true but when you make something easy for users you will get a better response). Put some thought into your questions so that you get the information that you need.

3. Use Facebook Stories

Few marketers use Facebook Stories. This is probably because it takes more time and effort to create them. But the good thing about stories is that they appear at the top of user news feeds just like they do on Instagram. This is really good exposure.

Facebook users like stories. When you post some good stories you will warm up your audience to want to see more of your content. Some of them will look at previous posts on your Facebook Page that they hadn’t read before.

There are a number of examples where Facebook users have shown more interest in a business after reading their stories. They are powerful so work out how you can create good stories and add them as often as you can.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

20 July 2021

Increasing Engagement With Facebook Part 1


Ways To Increase Your Facebook Engagement Part 1

By increasing your engagement with your Facebook posts you will drive more free traffic to your website. In the first of a two-part series, we will show you some good ways to raise your engagement levels with your Facebook audience.

1. Get your Posting Times right

If you post your Facebook content at the wrong times then you will severely limit your exposure. You need to know when your audience are the most active and post at these days and times. 

If you have posted some content on Facebook before you can use Facebook Insights to see which posts had the most views and engagement (likes, shares, comments). Make a not of the day and time that you made these posts.

There has been a lot of research on the best Facebook posting times and this is continuously changing. Rather than provide days and times that may be out of date here, it is better if you search for “best Facebook posting times” on Google or another search engine and look at the most up to date research on this.

2. Create Posts that your Audience wants

OK, this is obvious, but are you actually doing this? Most Facebook marketers tend to post the things that they think will be of the most interest to their audience and a lot of the time this doesn’t work well.

Don’t think that you only have to post content related to your niche. Even if you are in a niche where you can post a lot of relevant content then it is good to mix it up sometimes. For example, you can publish a post that coincides with a world event such as “Earth Day” and tell people what you are doing to support this.

The rule of thumb that you need to follow is this – the needs of your audience are more important than your needs. Think about what information would be really useful to your audiences, such as some interesting facts or statistics.

Another thing you can think about is how you can entertain your audience. What could you post that will make them laugh? Facebook users like to be entertained so find something amusing and post this. If you can relate this to your niche then that is even better.

3. Respond to any Comments fast

If someone leaves a comment on one of your posts then you need to respond to them as quickly as possible. There is an expectation on Facebook that any comment needs a response in a few hours. 

Thank your audience for leaving comments. If you are asked a question in the comments then provide a full answer. When other users see that you are responding professionally to comments they will be more inclined to leave them as well.

4. Add a Compelling Call to Action

Make sure that you add a compelling call to action (CTA) to your posts. If you want a user to do something (such as visit a related page on your website) then you need to tell them. I(f you do not add a good CTA then you will not get as much traffic as you could.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

15 July 2021

Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups

How To Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are an excellent way for you to generate some free traffic. You just have to know what to do and what not to do No matter what niche you are in it is likely that there will be a number of Facebook groups related to it. By participating in these groups you can also grow your own audience.

  • Identify the right Groups

To find groups that are related to your niche all you have to do is to use the search facility on Facebook. First, think about the keywords that best describe your niche. So if you are in the weight loss niche you might come up with:

  • Weight loss
  • Burn fat
  • Diets
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Diet programs

You can go sub-niche as well if that suits you. Examples of this could be “weight loss for women”, “weight loss for men over 50” and “losing belly fat”. Do your homework here and come up with as many keywords as you can.

  • Find Active Groups

You do not want to join a group that is “dead” as this will be a waste of your time. So look for active groups that have a lot of members. Sometimes you will need to apply to join a group to see what is really going on. 

When the search results come back try and identify 5 to 10 good groups and apply to join them all. The best groups are closed and you want to avoid open groups as these tend to receive a lot of spam. Once you are a member have a good look around the group to see how active it is.

Be sure to read the rules of the group before you spend any time in them. Most groups will allow links to external websites in posts but there are some that won’t. 

  • Provide Value in the beginning

Don’t just dive in with promotional messages when you first join a group. Members are going to think that you are a spammer and you will be kicked out fast. A good post to start with is one introducing yourself. Tell people who you are and what you stand for. You can tell them about your Facebook Page and your website in this post.

It is very likely that a lot of existing group members will respond to your intro post and welcome you to the group. Be sure to thank them for all of their comments. Interaction is really important.

  • Check for Promo Days

Quite a number of groups on Facebook have “promo days”. These are special days where you can openly promote your business and your offers to other group members. If you have joined several groups then we recommend that you make a note of these promo days in a calendar or spreadsheet so that you can take advantage of them.

  • Repurpose your existing Content

You need to make posts on other days as well as it will not be appreciated if you are just active on promo days. So you can use content that you have already published on your website that adds value to the group.

Making posts of value will increase your credibility and influence within the group. You want other members to see you as an authority in the niche. They will then check out your Facebook Page and your website to find out more about you.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

6 July 2021

Generate Free Traffic With Your Own Facebook Group

Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups

Having your own Facebook Group is a great way to generate free traffic. You are in control when you have your own group and it is a great way to increase your authority and influence group members. But you need to set up your group in the right way and keep your members happy.

  • Go for a Closed Group

There are three options for your group when you open it which are:

  1. Open
  2. Closed
  3. Secret

An open group means that anyone can join without applying to become a member. This sounds great but unfortunately, open groups are more likely to be targeted by spammers so we do not recommend this. 

With a closed group, a Facebook user has to make a request to you as the group owner to become a member. This is much better as you are in control of who joins. Closed groups are also searchable.

A secret group cannot be found using a Facebook search. We do not recommend that you go for this arrangement. 

  • Setting Up your Group

Give your group a name based on your best keyword. Remember that you want users to find your group using search so this is the best strategy. If your niche is weight loss then you could call your group “The Weight Loss Winners Group” or something like this.

You can add tags to your group to help identify it in a search so be sure to use other related keywords here. Next, you want to add a striking cover photo for your group. This needs to be a related image with a strong message such as “Learn how to lose weight and keep it off”.

We recommend that you include a photo of yourself as well. It is important that other members know, like and trust you as that is the way that you will exert the most influence over them.

Write a good group description that highlights the benefits to members. If someone is checking out your group to see if they should join they will see the description. So make this the best it can be so that you accrue the maximum amount of members.

  • Your Pinned Post

A “pinned post” will remain at the top of the group all of the time. When new members join it will be the first thing that they see. Make sure that you welcome all of your members in this post. Tell members that the best content about the niche will be in this group.

We recommend that you add a native video in your pinned post as well. This video will be you talking about the advantages of joining the group and what it will do for them. Don’t be shy – get in front of the camera and sell your group!

  • Group Content

You want to actively encourage members to post in the group. Take the lead and post some valuable content yourself. A group that has all of the content posted by the owner looks strange so do everything you can to encourage member participation.

Create posts that answer the questions that your members have. This will help establish you as a true expert and increase your influence. Provide part answers in group posts and provide links to your website where they will find the full answers.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

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