Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

10 March 2022

Sick of Being Single? Make Your Relationship Goals Happen

Setting goals does not just apply to your career, your finances, or your fitness. Goals apply to every aspect of your life and that includes your relationship. If you are single and you’re sick of being that way, then you need to come up with a plan to change that and you need to approach it with the very same determination as you would any other type of goal.

  • What’s Holding You Back?

The first thing to do when trying to change the way you’re approaching your love life is to look at what is holding you back.

For many people, it’s actually a lack of trying. Either they’ve been hurt before, they’ve lost confidence, or they just don’t realize they have to. But at the end of the day, if you’re tired of being single, then you need to work at this just as you would anything else. That might mean trying online dating, it might mean going to bars more, or it might mean just asking people out in the street.

While some people aren’t trying at all though, many other people are simply trying the wrong strategy or focus on the wrong thing. These are the people who know they don’t want to be single any more but who aren’t quite sure how to change that. 

For example, if you want to have a more active sex life then you shouldn’t be dating your friends as that is more likely to lead to a long-term relationship. If you want a long-term relationship, then looking at bars or on Tinder is likewise misguided.

Actually, pining after friends is generally a bad idea and it’s something that can really waste your time unless you have a drastic plan to change the way they see you. And then there are people who simply fail to correctly assess their own desirability to certain groups.

Then there’s the chance that you’re doing everything right but just not getting results, in which case you need to focus on your approach. That might mean the way you present yourself, or the way you come across in conversation. Many of us will unintentionally come across as sleazy, as needy, as clingy, or as desperate – none of these things is going to help your chances!

  • How to Make the Change

Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to start making the change. The first thing to do is to make the commitment to be proactive. That means regularly approaching people, or signing up for online dating and putting in the effort (just creating a profile is not enough) or to improve your approach and your swagger.

Then you need to come up with a plan and think about how to make the best use of your resources. For instance, Facebook can be a surprisingly effective way to meet people and also to reconnect with old people. Perhaps there is an old flame you could start messaging? Or maybe you could add someone that you met at a party?

If you’re shy of approaching the opposite sex, then maybe you should think of a way to work up to it and to build your confidence.

Sometimes it means not taking the most obvious route but the most important thing is that you identify the weak points in your game and your strategy and then work to fix those. 

Written by Yola Bastos  
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

18 November 2021

10 Ways to RePurpose Private Label Content

Private Label Rights refers to a type of license that you can purchase along with a product that will give you the right to sell a product with no limitations. This often refers to digital products and allows you to buy something like an ebook or an online course and then sell it to others. 
But thatís, not even the best part. The best part is that you can also edit a PLR product to your heartís content, thereby helping it to better fit your branding and your message, or altering it to add value.
What this also means is that youíre free to re-use the content in other ways too. 

For example:
Make a Video
You can create a slideshow using the content from an ebook or read it out and thereby ëperformí said content.

Make a Podcast
Likewise, you can perform the content without any visuals to accompany it and that way makes an audiobook or a series of podcast episodes.

Make a Larger Book/Package
Want to offer even more value than you already are? Then how about combining content from multiple Ebooks into an ultimate package of some sort. This way, you can give someone a truly comprehensive experience that will be worth more than the asking price of each book individually.

Make Multiple Shorter Ebooks
A clever way to charge more for your ebooks is potentially to separate them into multiple shorter books. This way you can create a series, with each one encouraging your visitors to read the rest.

Make a Short Report
A report is normally a short PDF that provides information on a particular topic or subject matter. If you can take a single chapter from your book or a forward, then this can be used as an incentive to collect more downloads.

Make a Memberís Site
Or why not take your ebook entirely apart and seal it behind a pay-wall? This way, you can sell access to a repository of information.

Make a Real Book
Using Lulu or Amazon, you can self-publish your ebook and start selling it as a real, hard-copy tome!

Make a Kindle Book
Or how about uploading it to Kindle and selling it through the Kindle store?

Make Emails
Email marketing is an incredibly powerful form of marketing and by breaking your ebook down into chapters, it will lend itself perfectly to becoming an ezine.

Make an App
If youíre feeling really ambitious, then you could even turn your ebook into an app!

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

11 November 2021

5 Ways to Customize a Private Label Ebook to Make it Your Own

One of the best things about a PLR ebook is the way that it allows you to make changes and edits to your heartís content. This is now your creation and itís up to you what you want to do with it to all extents and purposes.
So, the only question that remains isÖ what do you want to do with it?

Give it a New Title
Changing the title of your ebook is a good way to prevent people from seeing the same product being marketed over and over again on different sites. At the same time, changing the title of an ebook can subtly change the way that readers will interpret the content within. You can that way slightly alter the target demographic, or subtly alter the way that readers will interpret the book.

Reword the Content
Changing the title will change the way that people interpret your content slightly. Changing the content itself though will of course have a much bigger impact. This way you can change the voice to better suit your own, you can add or remove sections, you can alter conclusionsÖ you could even throw in a few affiliate links or plugs for your other products.

Add More Content
A simple way to add more value to an ebook youíre selling is simply to write a few more pages or even to add more content from another PLR product you own. Why not combine several into one ëmegaí book?

Get the Cover Redesigned
One step further than changing the title of your ebook is to change the cover entirely. You should find this relatively simple, as most PLR product sellers will include Photoshop files for you to edit as you please. Otherwise, you could always outsource this process to someone from Fiverr and have it redesigned from the ground up.

Add Your Branding
One big reason to redesign the cover in the first place is so that you can create better synergy with the rest of your branding. The aim here is to create a single cohesive design and message that will run through all of your different products and services. This helps people better understand what your brand is all about and build the kind of trust you need to make sure they want to buy subsequent products that you sell. Itís always important to think about the long game!

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

21 October 2021

The Best Ways to Use Positive Affirmations to Manage Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. However, when stress levels remain high, they can start to have a detrimental effect on both your emotional and physical well-being. It is imperative to find ways to manage stress and repeating positive affirmations is a way for you to increase feelings of inner peace, and to combat daily stress. The idea is to take the positive statements of what you want to manifest in your life and repeat them enough that they become a part of how you think and see the world. 

Here are some of the best ways to use positive affirmations to help you manage stress.


The most popular way that you can harness the power of affirmations is by merely repeating the affirmation to yourself regularly. Saying them out loud to yourself several times a day, in the mornings or evenings, can be incredibly useful. When you repeat them out loud, you hear them more clearly, which can make them more effective than if you were to repeat them to yourself mentally.

Do-It-Yourself Recording

To hear your affirmations more times throughout the day, you can record yourself repeating the positive affirmations and play the recording while you are driving, when you’re reading in the evenings, or when you are exercising. Be sure to talk in a calm voice, and consider playing your favourite soothing music in the background. DIY recordings are a great way to create a tailor-made experience for your specific needs. 

Use Post-It Notes

A fun way to utilize your positive affirmations daily is by writing them down on Post-It Notes and placing them around your house to provide you with positive messages throughout the day. You can put them on the refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, and other places that you see frequently. This technique can be incredibly useful on its own, or you can use it with some of the other affirmation techniques as a reinforcement.


If you want to increase the effectiveness of your positive affirmations dramatically, you can use self-hypnosis with them. Self-hypnosis is a way to cement your affirmations into your subconscious thinking much quicker than merely repeating them when you are in your normal conscious state.

While not all positive affirmations will be helpful in helping you relieve stress, most of them can effectively transition you into a better frame of mind and help you build resilience and help you find enjoyment in your life. 

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

30 September 2021

How to Create Positive Affirmations

Whether you believe it or not, you can attract anything in your life that you give attention to, because like attracts like. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can make the opposite happen. By believing in a thought or sentence and repeating it to yourself regularly, you have the power to attract more positivity to your life.

Your words are incredibly powerful, and when done correctly, positive affirmations can be an impactful tool that will help you find the power to accomplish things that you didn't think was possible. However, they only work if you believe them. Here's how to create positive affirmations that you can believe in and achieve all your life's greatest desires.

Identify What You Want

To get started writing a positive affirmation for your life, you have to think about what you really want. Think about what would make your life happier and write those thoughts down. The essential part of creating positive affirmations is ensuring that you are completely clear about what you want without worrying about the when or the how.

List the Attributes You’ll Need

When you've identified what you want, the next step is determining the attributes that you'll need to achieve your goal. You should list between four and six things. Your attributes are the things that you need to be, rather than the things that you need to do. Once you've written these out, circle a few that you believe to be the most essential attributes that you will need to embody to reach your goal.

Write Your Affirmation

Once you have your desires and attributes written down, it's time to create your affirmation. You want to create a statement that is between one and two sentences, and that states the goal and attributes in a positive and empowering way. This can be challenging, so you should write down some ideas as they come to you and repeat them out loud.

Practice Your New Affirmation

Now that you’ve created an affirmation, it’s time to practice it and repeat it often. You want to be sure to repeat your affirmations every day. To help you remember to say your statements you set a reminder on your phone, you can set your phone's background to a picture of your affirmation, so you see it every time you use your phone, or you can put them on Post-Its and place them around your home or office. Do whatever works for you.

Affirmations are incredibly helpful in helping you achieve your desires as long as you do them correctly. You have the power to use your mind to create the future you desire. 

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

2 September 2021

4 Simple Steps for Making Positive Affirmations Work for You

Positive affirmations are one of the most powerful tools that you can use to create a meaningful, successful, and fulfilling life. Many people have developed powerful affirmations that bring about change in their behaviours and circumstances. When you deliberately use positive affirmations the effect on your life will not only be powerful, but you will have a much higher chance of achieving your goals. If you want to make sure that your positive affirmations work for you, you’ll want to follow these four simple steps. 

Start with Daily Affirmations

Start your journey to manifesting all your desires with daily affirmations. Daily affirmations are statements that describe your goals in their completed states. You improve your physical health with regular physical exercises, so you should be using daily affirmations as a mental exercise for your mind, as well as your perception. When you repeat your positive affirmations daily, and you believe in them, you can start to create a positive change in your life.


Positive affirmations are much more effective when you use them with dynamic visualization. Combining your affirmations with visualization techniques is a great way to speed up your manifestations. Instead of merely writing your affirmations down and repeating them out loud, you should also visualize the outcome that you want to see. Not only do visual images motivate you and make you feel the changes, but they can also prepare you mentally for the challenges that you will need to overcome during the process of achieving your goals. 

Avoid Writing Negative Sentences

In your high school English class, you were taught the difference between affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences. Stop using negative sentences, like "I no longer suffer from migraines," and consciously convert them into positive affirmations, like "I live a pain-free life." When you try to conceive a negative statement or thought in your mind, you have to convert it to a positive statement if you want it to be effective.

Include Emotions

Powerful and effective affirmations must include content, positivity, and emotion. The content is describing the specific outcome that you are hoping to achieve, while positivity provides for the elimination of negative vibrations. The emotion is what gets to the heart of how you feel about the outcome you're hoping to achieve. If you want more powerful affirmations, you have to include all of these elements.

Affirmations can program your mind and can be a powerful tool for changing your mood, state of mind, and for manifesting a change in your life.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

19 August 2021

Useful Tips for Writing Positive Affirmations

The beliefs that we hold are just patterns that we’ve learned and developed over the years. There are a number of things throughout our lives that play a role in shaping our beliefs. Some of these might be supporting and nurturing, while others might be roadblocks on our paths to achieving happiness. Positive affirmations are a great way to change the barriers into supportive and encouraging truths. You can use positive affirmations to keep you moving forward. Here are four useful tips for writing positive affirmations that work.

Write Down Your Ideas

You need to take the time to determine what areas of your life you want to improve. Write down your ideas on how you would like your life to look and areas that you want to improve. After you've written down your thoughts, take a look at each of them and write down a few positive statements that reflect your vision for your future life.

Use the Present Tense

When you write down your affirmations, you want to be sure to write them in the present tense. Write them down as though you are experiencing everything you desire right now. You want to avoid using words like, “within the next two months. . .” because every time you use this affirmation you are saying to yourself and the universe that you are still two months away from achieving your goal. After you use this affirmation for one month, you will still be saying, “within two months,” which tells the universe and your mind that you haven’t gotten any closer to achieving your goals. 

Focus on What You Want

You need to write your affirmations in a way that forces them to focus on what you want in life, rather than what you are trying to eliminate or avoid in your life. For example, rather than writing “I’m not addicted to alcohol,” a better option would be to write something like, “I am completely free from alcohol.” If you aren't sure about how to write an affirmation in the positive, then you can imagine that you've already accomplished whatever it is that you want to achieve and describe yourself in that positive light.

Writing positive affirmations is both an empowering and exciting experience. Learn how to enjoy the process and try not to get caught up in the details of what you’re writing. Have fun with the process and try to relax.  

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

12 August 2021

How to Make Your Fitness Goals a Reality


Many of us would like to be thinner, more toned or more physically fit. Almost all of us feel that we could look better if we fitted into our clothes a little better and many feel that this would also give them a boost in confidence and general self-esteem.

The problem is making that happen. Because if you’re like the vast majority of people, then you’ve probably tried different diet programs and training regimes in the past without much success. What can you do to ensure that this is a different story? That this time things go to plan? Here are some pointers that can help you craft the body you’re looking for…

  • Slow and Steady

The longest journey starts with a single step and the biggest biceps start with a single curl. The big issue that a lot of people have when it comes to setting their fitness goals, is that they make them far too ambitious. If you’re starting a diet that involves eating absolutely no carbs, or if you’re starting a training regime that involves working out for an hour and a half 5 times per week, then you’re going to struggle to adapt your lifestyle. Instead, use the ‘MED’ or ‘Minimum Effective Dose’ and then make sure that you don’t work harder than necessary in the gym.

  • Set Yourself Up for Success

So that means taking up one of those easier workouts right? The ones that cram a short HIIT workout in after your work hours for example?

Maybe you’re tempted by the various different diet programs that claim they include meals that only take 10 minutes to prepare.

Be wary! While many of these programs sound quick, what they fail to mention is:

  • The time it takes to get to the gym
  • The extra washing that you have to do after training at home
  • The time it takes to shower after the workout
  • The time it takes to get back home
  • How tired you’ll be following your workouts and how this is going to impact your subsequent productivity

Likewise, those diet plans forget:

  • The time/money involves in acquiring all those exotic ingredients
  • The prep time: chopping those onions, pre-heating the oven etc.
  • The time it takes to wash up afterwards
  • The fact that sometimes ingredients won’t be available, or you’ll have guests round

The point is: even the easiest routine is going to include hidden elements that end up taking up more time and stress. So your job is to try and edit the guidelines to fit your lifestyle and your routine specifically.

That might mean, for example, that you’re going to work out from home instead of at the gym. That way you can train in your underwear, meaning no more washing and meaning you’ll get less sweaty. It means you don’t have to travel too.

Likewise, think about recipes that will be genuinely easy to make and the tools and appliances that can help make them even easier still. Smoothies are more work than they sound because of the washing up – so try a NutriBullet!

Written by Yola Bastos  
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

6 July 2021

Generate Free Traffic With Your Own Facebook Group

Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups

Having your own Facebook Group is a great way to generate free traffic. You are in control when you have your own group and it is a great way to increase your authority and influence group members. But you need to set up your group in the right way and keep your members happy.

  • Go for a Closed Group

There are three options for your group when you open it which are:

  1. Open
  2. Closed
  3. Secret

An open group means that anyone can join without applying to become a member. This sounds great but unfortunately, open groups are more likely to be targeted by spammers so we do not recommend this. 

With a closed group, a Facebook user has to make a request to you as the group owner to become a member. This is much better as you are in control of who joins. Closed groups are also searchable.

A secret group cannot be found using a Facebook search. We do not recommend that you go for this arrangement. 

  • Setting Up your Group

Give your group a name based on your best keyword. Remember that you want users to find your group using search so this is the best strategy. If your niche is weight loss then you could call your group “The Weight Loss Winners Group” or something like this.

You can add tags to your group to help identify it in a search so be sure to use other related keywords here. Next, you want to add a striking cover photo for your group. This needs to be a related image with a strong message such as “Learn how to lose weight and keep it off”.

We recommend that you include a photo of yourself as well. It is important that other members know, like and trust you as that is the way that you will exert the most influence over them.

Write a good group description that highlights the benefits to members. If someone is checking out your group to see if they should join they will see the description. So make this the best it can be so that you accrue the maximum amount of members.

  • Your Pinned Post

A “pinned post” will remain at the top of the group all of the time. When new members join it will be the first thing that they see. Make sure that you welcome all of your members in this post. Tell members that the best content about the niche will be in this group.

We recommend that you add a native video in your pinned post as well. This video will be you talking about the advantages of joining the group and what it will do for them. Don’t be shy – get in front of the camera and sell your group!

  • Group Content

You want to actively encourage members to post in the group. Take the lead and post some valuable content yourself. A group that has all of the content posted by the owner looks strange so do everything you can to encourage member participation.

Create posts that answer the questions that your members have. This will help establish you as a true expert and increase your influence. Provide part answers in group posts and provide links to your website where they will find the full answers.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

22 June 2021

Best Types Of Facebook Content


What Are The Best Types Of Facebook Content?

The correct answer to this question will always be “whatever your audience wants” but that would mean that this article would be very short so we will give you some useful pointers here. The type of content that you post on Facebook will certainly affect your engagement rates and the traffic that you get from the platform.

  • Your Facebook Page

Before we get into the different types of content that get the best results let’s talk about your Facebook Page. You need to make this as attractive as possible to your audience and this means that your cover photo needs to be good and so does your intro and the other components.

Pay careful attention to your cover photo. If this is of poor quality or looks like a 5-year-old created it then this will certainly put users off. Nobody is going to look at any of your content if your Facebook Page sucks.

  • High-Quality Image

Facebook is a very visual medium. Users want to see good images that inform and entertain them. Don’t just get a lot of stock photos and use these. Take photographs of yourself and other people in your business.

Images with captions on them are good for getting clicks through to your website. You do not need to be a Photoshop genius to create striking captions for your images. You can use free online tools such as to add good looking captions for free.

Try to use images that are related to your niche. If you own a restaurant, for example, post images of your best dishes and the décor of your establishment. Take pictures of your kitchen and the people that work in it.

Get busy with your camera and take as many interesting photographs as you can. People share a lot of photographs on Facebook so you need to do the same. Humorous images work well as do pictures of beauty.

  • Use Native Video

Did you know that each day on Facebook users views over 8 billion videos? This shouldn’t surprise you as the video is really popular these days with sites like keeping people informed and entertained all of the time.

It is natural for you to create videos about your business and upload them to YouTube because it is the largest video platform. But if you just add links to YouTube videos in your Facebook posts you will miss out on a lot of potential views.

We recommend that you create videos just for Facebook and upload these natively to the platform. Facebook will always give native videos a higher priority than links to external video platforms.

Facebook users like native videos as well as they do not have to leave the social network to view them. Create square style videos especially for your Facebook posts. There are several online tools that will help you to do this. As most people use mobile devices to log in to Facebook, square videos just look a lot better in their news feeds.

  • Short Posts are better

Make your Facebook posts as short as you can. Facebook users do not want to read a 1,000-word post. Provide some interesting facts about the long post on your website and let the user click through if they want to read more.

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

1 June 2021

The Inspiring Story of How Sylvester Stallone Went After His Dreams and What We All Can Learn From It

We all have goals and dreams that seem a little far fetched. Sometimes we hardly even admit them to ourselves, but then when we lie awake at night and we dream about the thing we always wanted to be. And we assume it can never happen…

Well, I am of the belief that you really can make anything happen as long as you have the determination and as long as you never give up. Sometimes it means working incredibly hard and sometimes it means taking the less obvious route to get what you want.

And to demonstrate, consider the case of Sylvester Stallone…

  • How Stallone Landed His star-making Role, Despite Everything

If you’ve ever looked at someone highly successful and wished you could swap place with them, consider that they weren’t born that way – and that maybe they once thought the very same thing.

At the ripe age of 30, Sylvester Stallone had only $106 to his name and had been forced to sell his dog, Butkus. Those are some hard times.

Sly always wanted to be a film star but whenever he applied for roles, he would be turned down on the basis of his slurring voice and his heavy stature. He was considered only for roles like ‘thug 1’, never starring roles.

So Stallone stopped trying the same thing and instead turned to something else he was good at writing. Sly wrote the script for Rocky allegedly in a single night (though he returned to edit the draft many times) and submitted it to a producer after an audition that didn’t go that well.

The studios loved the story of the spunky underdog who came good and they offered him $300,000 to make the movie – roughly the equivalent of $1 million today! Remember: Sly has $106 in his accounts right now. But he turned them down and said he would only let them make the movie if he could star.

The studio was reluctant and offered more and more money. Eventually, they agreed to his terms but only on the proviso that he would take minimal pay and would have a tiny budget to work with on the movie. The rest, as they say, is history.

  • What We Can Learn

The first thing we can learn from this is that it’s never too late to be what you always wanted to be. You might be jealous of other people right now but you’re probably on the right course – just stick with it!

The other lesson to take here is to stick to your guns – to know what you want and accept nothing less. Had Sly taken the $300,000, none of us would know his name today.

And finally, don’t always take the most obvious route to the top. If you’re not having any luck going the obvious way, then come up with a new strategy and get creative! There is more than one way to every destination. 

Written by Yola Bastos  
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

25 May 2021

How People End Up With Boring Jobs


Sad though it surely is, most of us do not end up in the jobs that we dreamed of when we were younger. In fact, most of us won’t end up with jobs that are even close to being as exciting or as inspiring as the ones we used to tell people we wanted when we were five or six.

When we were young and we believed anything could happen, we wanted to be astronauts, rock stars, the owners of huge international businesses, action heroes, superheroes…

So the question then becomes: why are so many of us stuck working in offices? Why are so many of us entering data into spreadsheets? Why is it so common for us to work late hours in jobs we hate? Why does ‘success’ mean more responsibility but no more job satisfaction?

How did this happen?

  • The Unfortunate Story

The answer varies from person to person but unfortunately, there are a few consistent elements that seem to hold true across the board. Many of us will go through essentially the same story that will lead us to the same end destination. 

It starts early when we’re at school and we’re forced to start specializing and choosing. Which course at school is most likely to help you to become a bestselling author? Or a pop star? Hmm. We end up biding our time by doing something that we enjoyed at school – history or geography maybe.

Then we go to college and we study that course for a year or three, only to find ourselves back at home living with our parents and without a job when we leave. If we want to get back our independence, then we’re going to need to take on a job just to pay the bills. 

So we start working for our friend’s Dad’s company. Or we work in a supermarket. Or maybe an estate agent.

Then we get a few promotions and we find ourselves climbing the ranks – actually, we’re on an okay salary.

And it’s just as well too – because our responsibilities are beginning to increase as we find ourselves with partners, maybe wanting to buy a house, maybe with children.

And before you know it, you’re ‘area manager’, or you’re ‘director of logistics’, or you’re an estate agent.

They’re not bad jobs but they sure aren’t exciting and they sure don’t fill you with impassioned excitement. But you have kids on the way and you really need the money: now is not the time to do something foolish like starting your own business, or changing jobs, or taking out a loan. And nor do you have the time in the evening to do the things you want to do…

  • It Doesn’t Have to End This Way

But here’s the good news: the story isn’t over yet. You can still be the things you’ve always dreamed of being. In fact, with more money behind, more experience and more contacts, it’s more likely than ever. All it is going to take is for you to acknowledge just how important it is to you and to decide that you’re not going to settle for the way things turned out.

There’s still time…

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

18 May 2021

Some ‘Impossible Goals’ and How to Make Them Happen


Many of us have goals and dreams that sound impossible and that other people will perhaps tell us can’t be done. Sometimes, those goals are so preposterous that we don’t tell anyone at all – and in some cases, we’ll hardly even admit those goals to ourselves!

For example, if you have always dreamed of being a film star, then there’s a good chance that on some level you don’t think it’s going to happen and so you won’t actually pursue it with the vigour that you should pursue it.

Likewise, if you always dreamed of being an astronaut, then you probably know it can’t be done and so won’t even try.

Except that this is entirely the wrong attitude. Rather, you should be working toward your goals but simply taking a different approach to making them possible. Because anything is truly possible, as long as you know how to think outside the box…

To demonstrate this, let’s take a look at some highly unlikely goals and see how you could really go about making them happen…

  • Recording Artist

Want to be a pop star or a guitarist? Then how about starting your own music channel on YouTube? Perform your songs and build a following and then you could eventually start charging for your full albums through Band Camp and similar sites. It’s probably only a matter of time until someone offers to give you a recording contract once you have the numbers behind you!

  • Bestselling Author

These days you don’t need to find a big publisher to become a bestselling author. Of course, that is one route to the top but another option is just to write your own book and publish it yourself.

This is possible today thanks to sites like Lulu. Lulu is a website that allows you to use ‘POD’ publishing, which in turn stands for ‘Print On Demand’. This means that you can create a book and only pay for the printing costs each time someone orders one of them. That means that you don’t have to order a huge number of books and then try to sell them – instead, you can simply start selling right away and you’ll just lose a fraction of the cover price each time you do. That also means you’re not splitting your profits with a publisher!

Of course, the downside is that you’ll have to do all of your own marketing and editing. But if you can do that, then you’re good to go!

  • Astronaut

Always wanted to visit space? Then one way you can do that is to sign up for Virgin Galactic. That will give you a chance to visit space, without needing any training!

Now of course there is the chance that it will never happen, and it’s a lot of money too – you might just have to start saving. But the point is that as soon as you start working toward the goal you always dreamed of, life becomes a whole lot more exciting!

Written by Yola Bastos  
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

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