Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

16 May 2023

Overcoming Financial Challenges: Tips for Women

Financial challenges can be a significant obstacle to achieving financial empowerment. From debt to unexpected expenses, women often face unique financial challenges that can make it difficult to achieve their financial goals. 

Here are some tips for overcoming financial challenges and achieving financial empowerment:

1. Create a Budget

Creating a budget is one of the most important steps you can take to overcome financial challenges. A budget helps you keep track of your income and expenses and ensures that you're living within your means. Start by listing all your sources of income and your monthly expenses. Then, allocate your income to cover your expenses and make sure you have some money left over for savings.

2. Build an Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund is essential for overcoming financial challenges. An emergency fund is a savings account that you can use to cover unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or car repairs. Aim to save at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund.

3. Pay Off Debt

If you have debt, it's important to pay it off as soon as possible. Debt can be a significant burden on your finances, and it can prevent you from achieving your financial goals. Start by paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, first.

At, we're committed to supporting women in their financial journeys. Our community offers a range of resources, including financial education, mentorship, and community support. Join our community today and start investing in yourself and building a strong financial foundation.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix and Founder of Beautifly Digital

29 March 2023

Preparing Your Finances: Tips for a Secure Financial Future

Preparing Your Finances: Tips for a Secure Financial Future Managing your finances can be a daunting task, but it's an essential part of securing your financial future. Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your financial situation, there are several steps you can take to prepare your finances. Here are some tips to help you get started:  

   1. Create a Budget The first step in preparing your finances is to create a budget. A budget is a plan that outlines your income and expenses. It helps you keep track of your spending and ensures that you're living within your means. To create a budget, start by listing all your sources of income and your monthly expenses. Then, allocate your income to cover your expenses and make sure you have some money left over for savings.

Here's the link  to my Financial Year Plan that can help you out. 

2. Build an Emergency Fund An emergency fund is a savings account that you can use to cover

unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or car repairs. It's important to have an emergency fund because it can help you avoid going into debt when unexpected expenses arise. Aim to save at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund. 3. Pay Off Debt If you have debt, it's important to pay it off as soon as possible. Debt can be a significant burden on your finances, and it can prevent you from achieving your financial goals. Start by paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, first. Then, focus on paying off other debts, such as student loans or a mortgage. 4. Save for Retirement Saving for retirement is essential for a secure financial future. If your employer offers a retirement plan, such as a 401(k), make sure you're contributing enough to take advantage of any employer matching contributions. If you don't have access to a retirement plan, consider opening an individual retirement account (IRA). 5. Review Your Insurance Coverage Insurance is an important part of any financial plan. Make sure you have adequate insurance coverage, including health insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance. Review your policies regularly to ensure that your coverage is still appropriate for your needs. Preparing your finances takes time and effort, but it's worth it for a secure financial future. By following these tips, you can take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. 

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix and Founder of Beautifly Digital 

16 November 2022

Marketing Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

Are you a female entrepreneur searching for new ways to market your new business? If so, there are many great ways to do so. Even better, the suggestions mentioned here are very affordable. Remember, unless you're lucky enough to have an unlimited supply of capital, it's always best to go easy on your finances in the beginning.

Always Have a Plan

No matter what kind of small business you're in charge of, it's always best to have a plan before you put things into action. This is true of every aspect of running your business. You may want to keep an audio recorder or small notebook with you, or find a note keeping app for your smartphone. Once you have a plan laid out, stick to it to the best of your abilities.

Set Optimistic Goals

In order to get work done effectively, it’s best to establish goals that you can work to achieve throughout the day, week, or month. These goals should be things that are attainable. Otherwise you're just setting yourself up for failure. However, they should also be optimistic and challenging goals that will encourage you to push yourself in order to be as effective as possible.

Know Your Target Market

Research into your target market, before you even open your doors to the public, is crucial to your marketing plan. The more specific you can get, by drilling down categories, the better. Not only do you need to know things like age, gender and income bracket, you also need to know what motivates your ideal client or customer to buy.

Build a Strong Portfolio

As the owner of the business, the way that you present yourself is often the first impression that potential clients or customers get of your organization. Make sure to always have a resume or portfolio available so that your future business associates can see all the hard work that you've done in the past. If they're impressed with how you represent yourself as a person, it's much more likely that they’ll want to do business with you.

Form a Network

It can be difficult to market your product or business on your own. Fortunately, social networking makes it easy for just about anybody to reach out to potential clients. Make sure that your business has a strong web presence, and establish pages for it on social media sites.

But, social media isn't the only way to establish a network of clients and business associates. Whenever your business works with another company, be sure to establish a relationship between the two of you.

Keep Searching for New Opportunities

Never pass up an opportunity to market yourself or your business to others. Make sure that you always have your business card with you in case you run across someone in your personal life that you want to form a connection with in your professional life. You never know where you might meet your next customer.

These are just a few marketing tips for women entrepreneurs. Realistically, this is just the beginning. Obviously, you don't have to try all these things at once. Trying one or two at a time is usually the better way to go.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix  and Founder of Beautifly Digital

Women Flix empowers financial freedom for women worldwide. 
Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

14 September 2022

Self-Help Tips for Dealing with a Lack of Confidence

Many people suffer from a lack of confidence. This is nothing to be ashamed of, though. Unfortunately, it’s been a part of our society for a while now, making it a common problem. 

Here is a list of ways that people have been able to deal with their lack of confidence.

1. Live in the moment. When you live in the moment you can focus on the now rather than focus on the past where you experienced your hurt and encountered your fears. You can then be unconcerned and hopeful about your future without the pressure of your past looming up behind you and making your confidence plummet once again. This mindfulness tool takes time to master as it can be hard to ignore the past making its way back into your mind.

2. Develop awareness. When you’re aware, you can notice how you are acting during certain situations. That way, you’ll create space between your emotions and actions, helping you to respond to someone or something in a healthier way.

3. Write in a journal. Many of our thoughts and feelings are stuck inside the subconscious part of our mind. By writing, we are able to release those thoughts. Once you’re done writing, look over what you wrote and try figuring out why you felt a specific way. We can also separate those negative thoughts we tend to have about ourselves from the truth behind who you actually are; a unique person whom can do whatever they set their mind to.

4. Don’t be judgmental. When we approach our lives without judgment, we are able to accept ourselves, our experiences, failures, and successes. On top of that, we are more open to accepting others just as they are, whether they are good or bad.

5. Stay connected to who you are. By doing this you are able to establish a connection with yourself and reduce possible people-pleasing habits. Don’t always think of other needs over your own. You are just as important as everyone else is; don’t forget that!

6. Practice mindful meditation. Meditation allows you to let go off the negative thoughts that invade your mind on a daily basis. Don’t accept those damaging thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs as part of who you are. Take time out of each day to take a couple deep breaths and slowly feel the negativity leave your body and mind.

7. Let it all go. Usually the things you have such low confidence about no one else notices. When you accomplish letting all of the negative thoughts leave your mind, you create a certain trust within yourself and choose what’s best for you.

8. Show yourself some love. Everyone deserves compassion, whether it be from yourself or someone else. When you tell yourself how much you love you, you’ll gain a sense of strength, safety, and acceptance.

Everyone has things they aren’t confident about, whether it be about themselves or a situation they aren’t comfortable in. Each one of us is unique in our own way, but sometimes we forget that. So before getting too down on yourself, remember who you are and remember that you are loved and supported by the people you carry close to your heart.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix  and Founder of Beautifly Digital

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 )

14 October 2021

Powerful Tips for Using Affirmations to Get What You Want

Positive affirmations are nothing more than your positive self-talk. They are a powerful tool that you can use to help you develop a successful mindset and get what you want in your life. They are simple and easy to use, and when done correctly they can be incredibly useful. Here are several tips to help you create and use affirmations so you can get what you want in life.

Tip #1 – They Can Be Used Anywhere

The best thing about affirmations is that you can use them anywhere and at any time. For example, if you’re heading into an interview for a new job, you can use a simple affirmation to help you calm your nerves. By relaxing and taking a few deep breaths and repeating affirmations, you will start to relax, and your nervousness will begin to subside.

Tip #2 – Keep Them Short

You want to make sure that you keep your affirmations simple, short, and to the point. Your statements will be more effective when they are quick, one-liners that you can repeat to yourself over and over again. Keeping them short will also help you remember them so that you can repeat them anywhere.

Tip #4 – Keep Them Positive

Our subconscious minds can’t differentiate between a positive and negative affirmation and will take on either one. If you say to yourself, “I am not going to fail this test,” it will only here, “going to fail this test.” To keep your affirmations positive, you should instead say, “I am passing this test.”

Tip #5 – Repeat Them Every Morning

Start to repeat your affirmations every morning to help support your goals for the day. When you wake up in the morning, look at your schedule and come up with the best affirmation that will support the achievement of the goals for the day. After some time, you may find some common positive affirmations that work best for you regularly. 

Tip #6 – Record Them in Your Voice

Take the time to make a recording of you repeating your affirmations. You can then listen to the tapes on your way to work or as needed. Consider adding some soothing music to the background to make them even more useful.

Affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool that you can use to help you manifest all your desires. Keep these six tips in mind when you are using your statements to make them more effective.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

7 October 2021

How to Use Affirmations to Dramatically Change Your Life

When you first start to use positive affirmations, and the Law of Attraction, you begin to realize that you can influence your experiences in life by working on your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Positive affirmations allow you to manifest all your heart's desires by believing that what you want is indeed possible and feeling as if they were already yours. If you wish to change your life and attain everything you desire, here's how you can use positive affirmations to reach that goal.

Know What You Want

When it comes to affirmations, you have to know precisely what you want to live a happier life. Are you hoping to land a better job? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be able to purchase a new home? Not only do you have to know what you are asking for, but you have to be mindful of how you're asking for it. Too many times, people will list what they don't want. Unfortunately, when your affirmations focus on what you don't want, your subconscious mind will focus on the negatives of your desires.

Know That You Have It

The words you speak aren’t enough to imprint your subconscious with an idea or a vision, but require emotions to be triggered by the words you speak. Your affirmations need to be believable, and you need to consider them possible if you want them to come to fruition. Having negative feelings and emotions will only get in the way when you are trying to receive any positive emotions back. For your affirmations to be effective, you will need to develop techniques that will allow you to overcome these negative emotions.

Feel What You Already Have

If you want to be able to generate a positive emotional state, you have to be able to imagine how it will feel to have achieved your goal. The feelings you have about achieving your goal are what needs to be manifested to generate what you are asking for. You need to be able to understand what this feels like and practice incorporating it when asking for what you want because it is the emotions and feelings that you send out into the universe is that you'll get back.

Making sure that you know what you want, knowing what you have, and feeling that you have reached your goal already, will help you create powerful manifestations that will work for you.  

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

19 August 2021

Useful Tips for Writing Positive Affirmations

The beliefs that we hold are just patterns that we’ve learned and developed over the years. There are a number of things throughout our lives that play a role in shaping our beliefs. Some of these might be supporting and nurturing, while others might be roadblocks on our paths to achieving happiness. Positive affirmations are a great way to change the barriers into supportive and encouraging truths. You can use positive affirmations to keep you moving forward. Here are four useful tips for writing positive affirmations that work.

Write Down Your Ideas

You need to take the time to determine what areas of your life you want to improve. Write down your ideas on how you would like your life to look and areas that you want to improve. After you've written down your thoughts, take a look at each of them and write down a few positive statements that reflect your vision for your future life.

Use the Present Tense

When you write down your affirmations, you want to be sure to write them in the present tense. Write them down as though you are experiencing everything you desire right now. You want to avoid using words like, “within the next two months. . .” because every time you use this affirmation you are saying to yourself and the universe that you are still two months away from achieving your goal. After you use this affirmation for one month, you will still be saying, “within two months,” which tells the universe and your mind that you haven’t gotten any closer to achieving your goals. 

Focus on What You Want

You need to write your affirmations in a way that forces them to focus on what you want in life, rather than what you are trying to eliminate or avoid in your life. For example, rather than writing “I’m not addicted to alcohol,” a better option would be to write something like, “I am completely free from alcohol.” If you aren't sure about how to write an affirmation in the positive, then you can imagine that you've already accomplished whatever it is that you want to achieve and describe yourself in that positive light.

Writing positive affirmations is both an empowering and exciting experience. Learn how to enjoy the process and try not to get caught up in the details of what you’re writing. Have fun with the process and try to relax.  

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

15 July 2021

Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups

How To Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are an excellent way for you to generate some free traffic. You just have to know what to do and what not to do No matter what niche you are in it is likely that there will be a number of Facebook groups related to it. By participating in these groups you can also grow your own audience.

  • Identify the right Groups

To find groups that are related to your niche all you have to do is to use the search facility on Facebook. First, think about the keywords that best describe your niche. So if you are in the weight loss niche you might come up with:

  • Weight loss
  • Burn fat
  • Diets
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Diet programs

You can go sub-niche as well if that suits you. Examples of this could be “weight loss for women”, “weight loss for men over 50” and “losing belly fat”. Do your homework here and come up with as many keywords as you can.

  • Find Active Groups

You do not want to join a group that is “dead” as this will be a waste of your time. So look for active groups that have a lot of members. Sometimes you will need to apply to join a group to see what is really going on. 

When the search results come back try and identify 5 to 10 good groups and apply to join them all. The best groups are closed and you want to avoid open groups as these tend to receive a lot of spam. Once you are a member have a good look around the group to see how active it is.

Be sure to read the rules of the group before you spend any time in them. Most groups will allow links to external websites in posts but there are some that won’t. 

  • Provide Value in the beginning

Don’t just dive in with promotional messages when you first join a group. Members are going to think that you are a spammer and you will be kicked out fast. A good post to start with is one introducing yourself. Tell people who you are and what you stand for. You can tell them about your Facebook Page and your website in this post.

It is very likely that a lot of existing group members will respond to your intro post and welcome you to the group. Be sure to thank them for all of their comments. Interaction is really important.

  • Check for Promo Days

Quite a number of groups on Facebook have “promo days”. These are special days where you can openly promote your business and your offers to other group members. If you have joined several groups then we recommend that you make a note of these promo days in a calendar or spreadsheet so that you can take advantage of them.

  • Repurpose your existing Content

You need to make posts on other days as well as it will not be appreciated if you are just active on promo days. So you can use content that you have already published on your website that adds value to the group.

Making posts of value will increase your credibility and influence within the group. You want other members to see you as an authority in the niche. They will then check out your Facebook Page and your website to find out more about you.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

The Connection Between Self-Care and Financial Empowerment for Women

Women are often faced with numerous challenges when it comes to achieving financial empowerment. However, one important aspect that is often...