On the other hand, if you have an abundance mindset, you're more likely to attract wealth and create financial abundance. Here's how to change your money mindset from scarcity to abundance:
Today I decided that I will write ... Write about myself, About what I do, About what I would like to have done, and about what I never end up doing ... Simply, About me, because I am so ... And today I feel like writing ...
25 April 2023
From Scarcity to Abundance: How to Change Your Money Mindset
On the other hand, if you have an abundance mindset, you're more likely to attract wealth and create financial abundance. Here's how to change your money mindset from scarcity to abundance:
11 April 2023
The Power of Positive Thinking: How Your Mindset Affects Your Finances
2 February 2023
Mindset and Wealth: How to Grow Your Wealth
Can you really ‘think yourself rich’? I’m here to tell you that it is not only possible, but that it is also actually the best chance you have of making a lot of money. Many of us dream of living in a large luxurious house in a sunny country, we imagine wearing smart suits that exude power and confidence and we wish that we didn’t have to make so many hard choices because our funds can’t support the lifestyles we want to lead.
If that sounds familiar, then you need to make a change. And as with ALL things, that change starts with you and your mindset. If you want to be wealthy, then what are you doing about it?
Wealth and Your Career
Ask the average person in the street what they would hypothetically need to do in order to become richer and 99% of them will tell you the same thing: get a better job. Okay, fair enough. They are not wrong per say. Indeed, getting a better job won’t hurt their income and that in turn will likely mean they get richer at least a little.
But in fact, this is not the whole story. And what’s more, is that this isn’t even the main part of the story. Wealth and salary are not inextricably linked. They are related sure, but only to a small degree. If you wanted to see an equation telling you how to get wealthy, then it would really look like this:
Wealth = Income – Outgoings
So, let’s say that your income is determined solely by the amount of money you are making at work. Even in that scenario, you still have another, equally as important factor. That is your outgoings. If you earning a cool million dollars a month but you also waste a million dollars a month of lavish holidays and on nights out and clothes, then you are ultimately not going to be very well off. Rather, you’re likely to lose money over time.
But if you are earning a more normal $2500 a month but you only spend $500, then suddenly you are saving $2000 per month. In 12 months, you’ll have $24,000 saved away. That’s a decent down payment on a house! So, you now have two options. Two ways to get richer. One is that you seek to get a better job and increase your income and the other is that you save more money and spend less.
How to Spend Less
When I was at university, my summer job was working at a yacht club. Specifically, I was a waiter in one of the restaurants there that was actually paid for and owned by the clientele of the club. The club was located in Sandbanks, England – an area that is also sometimes referred to as ‘millionaire’s row’ because it has among the most expensive real estate in the world along the seafront.
So, these are people who own yachts and who belong to a club that is situated in one of the wealthiest parts of the world. Suffice to say that they were not struggling for cash. And of course, what many people would point out to me is that this should likely result in pretty big tips!
Except that’s not what happened. In fact, I received some of the worst tips I have in any job. I had a lady call me over to secretively give me 20p (around 30cents) for my hard work. She literally told me to buy myself something nice. And this is bearing in mind that it is standard practice in England to tip 10%. The meals usually cost close to $150.
I told my Mum this and her response was: how do you think they got rich, dear?
Makes sense
Look, I’m not here to tell you you should become stingy with tips. But what I am telling you is that the wealthiest people recognize that every little bit adds up and makes a very big difference in the long run. Your aim now is not to fritter. That $3 coffee you have every morning on the way to work is actually $15 over the course of a week. $60 over a course of a month and $720 over the course of the year.
That is a tiny amount and that’s before we have even considered all those other things you likely pay for that you don’t really need. Maybe your Spotify account, Netflix, 100+ TV Channels, gas for the car for all those trips you don’t really need to make. It adds up. Worse are all those larger purchases we make on an impulse.
These are things like clothes that we think will make us look smart, games consoles, PCs, overly advanced phones. How much did your phone cost you? If you’re on a contract, then chances are you’ll be paying $700 or more for it. Now ask yourself how much more that phone really does than something for $300. Do you really need the fastest processor around? Considering that even an old phone can play everything in the app store?
Do you really need a 30 megapixel camera? Or a 4K screen? Can you even see the difference between 4K and 1080p?The real problem here is marketing, the internet and other people. We have unfortunately been conditioned to associate these items with success and to find them highly desirable. We want to get the latest phone, car, computer etc. because it looks so sexy in those adverts. But the reality is that these things don’t really bring us happiness.
Likewise, we are told that we need to buy a large house, go on lavish holidays. Is this really for us? Or is it so that we can look successful to others? I’m not telling you to cut back on all the things that make you happy here. There is no point in having wealth if you aren’t going to enjoy it and have a better quality of life for you and your family.
All I’m telling you is to make sure you are certain of what it is that does make you happy. And that often means deciding what you don’t need and what you should be prioritizing. Have you always dreamed of a beautiful big house? Then why not stop going on those big holidays for a while? Why not stop buying widescreen TVs? And how about considering getting that big beautiful house in a less expensive area?
Heck, if you move to Spain, then there are places where you can live in a five bedroom home with swimming pool and roof pool and it will only cost you $200,000. You could almost buy that in cash and think about how much money you would start making then once there was no mortgage!
Conversely, if all you want is to travel the world, then you can change your accommodation to something less glamorous. How about moving to quiet neighborhood and living in a spare bedroom for a while? Your outgoings will be low, so you can enjoy going on more holidays and still save up that wealth. Know what you want to achieve with that money. Know what wealth means to you and then you can focus on being more efficient with your money.
Financial Modelling
This will also help you to set up a budget and/or a plan. If you know how much you have coming in and how much you’d like to be making per month, saving per month and spending on things that make you feel wealthy per month, then you can create a budget that will help you to reach that point within a specific timeframe. This then is where you can look at those small things you can cut out to save money.
If you have a spreadsheet that contains all your income and all your outgoings per month, then you can look at what kind of impact cutting coffee from your routine would actually make. You’ll be left with a total profit at the end of each month and you can decide how much of that you want to put into savings and how much you intend to spend on other things.
You can even set up standing orders in your accounts so that money saved automatically gets transferred to a savings account. With such a spreadsheet, you can then multiply the savings you are making by any given number of months and see projections of what your finances are likely to be at certain points in the future. Need more money for an upcoming expense?
Then look at something else you can do to cut your expenditure. This is called ‘financial modelling’ and it’s a powerful tool for building your wealth rather than just letting it ‘happen’ without your direction or input.
A Couple More Ways to Save Money
And what if you have run out of things you can cut in order to save money? What if you are living on as little as possible? A few other options include changing your providers for bills, selling off old items, or even moving money between accounts in order to receive bonuses. A friend of mine does this religiously and will even take out credit cards with 0%APR, just so that he can put all of that money into an ISA and then make profit on it.
If he gets a cash incentive to signing up for anything then he will sign up! And he never buys a new piece of tech or even clothing without taking one of the older items to sell and thereby offset the cost. Something else to note is that if you have a dream of a wealthy future, then you might need to ‘be okay’ with living a little more simply for a while in order to get there.
You need to put the work in now, to reap the rewards in the future. And this is hard because it often once again means forgetting the conventional signals of wealth and success. Once again, you have to do this for you and not be worried about what others might think. So for example, if you want to someday have a beautiful home, one of the very best things you can do is to live with your parents if they will let you.
Sure, it’s not glamorous and it’s not fun, but if they charge a small amount of rent you’ll be able to save so much per month that it will help you to get on the property ladder MUCH faster. You could then buy a smaller home in a less attractive area but flip the property to make a big profit. You need to put in the graft and have an eye on the future.
Likewise, you might need to learn to stop trying to demonstrate your wealth and stability to friends. Have you ever met up with a friend and eaten in a restaurant that you can’t really afford because you want to see them and because it is embarrassing to suggest eating somewhere cheaper? As you can imagine, this isn’t exactly conducive to getting wealthy quickly! Again, you need to be willing to tell them that you can’t afford it and to go elsewhere.
How about you suggest they meet you at your house?
Setting Up Revenue Streams
Next come the revenue streams. We’ve seen how you can actually become richer without changing your job, simply by spending less. The other strategy is to become wealthier by having more than one income stream. Once again, your salary isn’t determining your wealth! So, what might this mean? One simple option is to take on another job, such as a weekend job.
If you are happy to work on a Saturday, then you will have potentially $150 extra to spend each week! That’s $600 per month or $7,200 per year! Save that and in a couple of years, you can be living in a nice house – or you can use it right now to feel that bit wealthier and wear those fancy clothes. This is a big sacrifice though granted. So, what would be better for most people would be to earn money online for instance.
Tim Ferriss describes creating a ‘muse’ in his book The Four Hour Workweek, which is a small online business that generates a passive income. This can be as simple as finding an affiliate product (a product that you sell for commission) and making a simple website recommending it, then sending people there with ads. This is very low maintenance but can potentially make a fair amount of money.
You could try matched betting alternatively (a form of betting that ensures you can’t lose – it uses only the free bonus amounts that you get given for signing up) or you could look for a simple online job. How about selling photography online? Working as a writer or a web designer? Or, like a friend of mine, try commentating on sports for websites?
You can also make money from arts and crafts of course and sell some things you make on the side, or you can buy and sell items in bulk on eBay! Then there are the other options that work offline: these include such things as renting out rooms to students, such as mowing the neighbor’s lawn, cutting hair, teaching an instrument etc.
All these options will help you to make an income that will be additional to your current income.
Not only does this of course give you a better total, but it will also help to make you more ‘resilient’ so that if anything ever happens with your main job, you’ll of course still have some money coming in. Another tip? The more you make, the more you’ll make. Try to look for investment opportunities, whether that means buying a second house and letting it out to someone else, or whether it means moving to an area that you know is up and coming.
A strange thing to think of here is board games. If you’ve ever played Monopoly, or any other game where you have to amass a kind of resource, then you might have found that it pays to invest wisely early on. To get the card that will pay out just a little bit every round, or that will prevent you from losing a little bit every round.
These seem like small changes in the short term but over the course of the game, they ultimately put you in a position of great power and help you to win decisively! It's the same in real life. Make a few right choices that will build up over time. Know what you want. Be patient. And avoid the temptation to splurge on the short-term gratification. That is how you get into a wealthy mindset!
4 July 2022
How Important Is It to Live in the Here and Now
What do you mean by living in the here and now? It means that you are not thinking about your past and not worrying about the future. If you are living in the present, you are living in the life of reality. Your past and future are only illusions.
To live in the present means that you are ready to face the world. Since you are not depending on your past, you will always be contented with your present life.
If you are still sealed with your past, here are the best things you can do to live in the present:
Being Present
- Be Conscious of Your Surroundings and Stop Beating Yourself Up- If you are aware of your surroundings, you don’t have to think about your past life. It means that your attention will be on your present situation. You also need to smile and congratulate yourself for everything you have done.
- Remove Unwanted Possessions – If you don’t want to live in the past, you have to remove all the things to forget them. Then, start living in the present by focusing on the things you need to do.
- Forgive Past Hurts – If you are still attached to your past situations, it is hard for you to face the reality and your present situation. So, make sure that you choose to forgive and move on. Though the harm is there, you have to take action to ensure that it will never affect your present moods and activities.
- Dream for Your Future while Working Hard Today - There is nothing wrong if you dream big. What matters most is what you are doing at present to fulfil your dreams. So, start setting goals and plan for your future.
- Stop Worrying – Unlike others, you will never appreciate the beauty of life if you keep on worrying too much. Take note that tomorrow is another day. Whether you worry about it or not, things will happen.
Living in the present is not as easy as you think. This is often observed if one cannot easily forget the things that happened in the past. The past teaches everything you need to know. With your past, you learned from your mistakes and make your life even more effective than before. Your future, on the other hand, is the result of your present actions.
Planning for the future means taking on board the things that you want to happen. Why do you need to live in the present? Living in the present means that you are aware of your present situation, but with a commitment to the future and an appreciation of your past. Through this, it is easy for you to manage your life. You can plan a strategy to create a positive way to get what you really want.
If you are facing hardship in life, it is easy for you to solve it. In case you have a huge company, you can also decide which skills need to be implemented and how to handle your business. Living in the present also allows you to appreciate the things and people around you. If you are focusing on your past or future alone, expect that you will never enjoy your life. You will also neglect the things that you need to do.
24 March 2022
Mindset and Wealth: How to Grow Your Wealth
10 February 2022
Taking It A Step Further: How to Reuse Your PLR
Most online business owners make a crucial mistake with their PLR that limits their mailing list growth – they use it in only the format it came in. For example, you bought a PLR report on how to stop procrastinating. You broke it up into blog posts, created content upgrades, and called it done.
But the truth is you can switch up your PLR content by using different formats like changing text to audio. This can make your content stretch even further. Here’s how to use different formats to grow your list:
- Turn a Report into Podcast Episodes
You’re probably using at least one PLR report or workbook as an opt-in gift. That’s great for a downloadable gift. But take your text and transform it into audio by creating podcast episodes.
This doesn’t mean you should have long podcast episodes where you read out the entire content. Instead, grab the main ideas from your PLR content and expand on them in audio. Add new insights and opinions. Brainstorm recommendations you forgot to include the first time around.
At the end of your podcast episode, let listeners know they can download the full report or workbook from your website. Then direct them to your opt-in page so they can sign up for your mailing list.
- Live Stream an eBook Chapter
If you have an eBook as an opt-in gift, break it down chapter by chapter. Turn each chapter into a live video using a social media platform like Facebook Live or YouTube streaming.
Again, your goal is not to read the entire chapter to your viewers. You want to expand on the chapter by going deeper into it.
If some of the content has changed since you first uploaded it, then talk about that. For example, you might say, “In the eBook, I mentioned a graphics website that’s no longer online, now I recommend ABC tool. It has a similar layout and I like that it’s simple to download the images I’ve created.”
When you’re winding down, make sure to mention that visitors can download your eBook in its entirety on your website. Provide a link to your opt-in page in the comments section so viewers can easily sign up for your awesome gift.
- Create a Challenge from Your Course
If your opt-in gift is a course, consider turning it into a challenge. This works especially well if your challenge is short (think 7-10 days) and has plenty of action steps that your followers can follow through on.
Create a Facebook group and invite participants. Let them know that they have to sign up for your mailing list and download the course in order to follow along.
Then show up in the group each day of the challenge. You can do this by starting discussions, creating homework assignments, or using Facebook Live to motivate your challengers.
At the end of each day’s assignment, remind your attendees to sign up for your mailing list so they don’t miss new challenges. Have a special opt-in page for these participants since your challenge can lead to a lot of new traffic and new subscribers.
Don’t fall into the trap of only using your PLR in only one format. You can recycle your favourite PLR pieces again and again.
Written by Yola Bastos
20 January 2022
How to Make Your PLR Content Unique
Private label rights content is content you purchase to use for your business. It’s often much cheaper than hiring a ghostwriter and it’s faster than creating the content yourself.
One of the drawbacks of PLR is that anybody can purchase it. But this doesn’t have to be a big deal for you. Instead, just take the PLR you’ve bought and customize it for your business by following these tips:
- Change the Titles
The very first thing you want to do when using PLR is to change the title. When you search on Google, you can find millions of articles titled How to Choose the Right Lipstick Color or a subtle variation like Choosing the Right Lipstick for Your Skin Tone.
Now Allure magazine could have used that same tired title. But instead, they opted to use the headline, The 10 Commandments of Lipstick. This title leaves readers curious. It makes them wonder if they know all ten of these lipstick rules, which causes them to click through to the website.
- Rewrite When Necessary
If you're publishing the PLR content to your blog and you want to get organic search traffic, rewriting is a must. That’s because search engines love original content that’s entertaining and informative. In this case, think of the PLR you buy as a starting point and make it your own.
But when you’re using PLR in other cases, you don’t have to rewrite every word of the content you purchased. If you’re using PLR in your autoresponder or as an opt-in report, just lightly edit it with references to your target market.
You’ll also want to add in your own opinions and stories to make the content unique to your community. Doing this establishes you as a thought leader in your niche.
- Add a Call to Action
PLR content will often lack a call to action at the end. That’s because the PLR seller doesn’t know exactly what you’re focused on in your business right now. So it’s your job to add CTAs to the content you’ve purchased.
Think about where your readers are in terms of your funnel. If this is content that’s on your blog, then you want to include a call to action that invites visitors to become subscribers. If it’s a free report that you’re giving to subscribers, your call to action might be recommending they buy a product or service from you. Regardless of what PLR you use, always add a CTA to encourage your community to go deeper into your funnel.
Making your PLR content unique is important but it doesn’t have to be time-consuming. You only need to spend 15-20 minutes editing the content before you share it with your community.
Written by Yola Bastos
12 August 2021
How to Make Your Fitness Goals a Reality
Many of us would like to be thinner, more toned or more physically fit. Almost all of us feel that we could look better if we fitted into our clothes a little better and many feel that this would also give them a boost in confidence and general self-esteem.
The problem is making that happen. Because if you’re like the vast majority of people, then you’ve probably tried different diet programs and training regimes in the past without much success. What can you do to ensure that this is a different story? That this time things go to plan? Here are some pointers that can help you craft the body you’re looking for…
- Slow and Steady
The longest journey starts with a single step and the biggest biceps start with a single curl. The big issue that a lot of people have when it comes to setting their fitness goals, is that they make them far too ambitious. If you’re starting a diet that involves eating absolutely no carbs, or if you’re starting a training regime that involves working out for an hour and a half 5 times per week, then you’re going to struggle to adapt your lifestyle. Instead, use the ‘MED’ or ‘Minimum Effective Dose’ and then make sure that you don’t work harder than necessary in the gym.
- Set Yourself Up for Success
So that means taking up one of those easier workouts right? The ones that cram a short HIIT workout in after your work hours for example?
Maybe you’re tempted by the various different diet programs that claim they include meals that only take 10 minutes to prepare.
Be wary! While many of these programs sound quick, what they fail to mention is:
- The time it takes to get to the gym
- The extra washing that you have to do after training at home
- The time it takes to shower after the workout
- The time it takes to get back home
- How tired you’ll be following your workouts and how this is going to impact your subsequent productivity
Likewise, those diet plans forget:
- The time/money involves in acquiring all those exotic ingredients
- The prep time: chopping those onions, pre-heating the oven etc.
- The time it takes to wash up afterwards
- The fact that sometimes ingredients won’t be available, or you’ll have guests round
The point is: even the easiest routine is going to include hidden elements that end up taking up more time and stress. So your job is to try and edit the guidelines to fit your lifestyle and your routine specifically.
That might mean, for example, that you’re going to work out from home instead of at the gym. That way you can train in your underwear, meaning no more washing and meaning you’ll get less sweaty. It means you don’t have to travel too.
Likewise, think about recipes that will be genuinely easy to make and the tools and appliances that can help make them even easier still. Smoothies are more work than they sound because of the washing up – so try a NutriBullet!
Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).
3 August 2021
How to Use Fear Setting to Overcome Anything Holding You Back
Most of us have plans and goals that far exceed our realities and it can be a painful feeling to know that you’re selling yourself short. Despite this though, many of us are too afraid or too unsure to take the necessary next steps. It never feels like the ‘right time’ (newsflash: it is never the right time), it never seems like the ‘responsible’ thing to do and we always feel like we’re inviting failure.
In short, we are held back by fear. So the question is: how can you overcome those fears?
The answer might just be something called ‘fear setting’. Read on and we’ll look at what this means and how it could help you.
- The Concept
The general idea behind fear setting is that you’re going to more clearly define what your fears are and thus start coming up with more effective ways to overcome them.
For many of us, our fears are very much abstract and general, rather than being concrete and specific. But when you take the time to identify the true nature of those fears, they can often end up losing their power over you.
For example, let’s say that you want to start your own business. You might have the vague but undefined fears that:
- Your business will fail and people will think less of you
- Your partner will think what you’re doing is foolish and judge you
- You’d have to leave your job and you might not be able to get a job back if things don’t work out
- You’d make yourself unemployable by creating a gap on your CV
- You’d have to take out a big loan, which would result in unending crippling debt
These all seem like legitimate fears. But now you’re going to actually write those fears down and thereby make yourself fully aware of what they are. Once you’ve done this, you can then start to go through them one by one and address how realistic each fear is, what you would do if it actually came true and how you could prevent it from happening.
For example:
- Your business will fail and people will think less of you
- Most people would, in fact, be much more likely to think more of you for having tried something exciting
- You don’t have to tell anyone
- Who cares?
- Your partner will think what you’re doing is foolish and judge you
- Ask them
- They will probably think what you’re doing is inspiring and they should support you
- Especially if you can show them how you’re going to make it work
- You’d have to leave your job and you might not be able to get a job back if things don’t work out
- You could run your business in the evenings or weekends and thus keep your job
- You could go part-time and run your business at the same time
- You could take a sabbatical to try launching your business
- You’d make yourself unemployable by creating a gap on your CV
- Most companies will overlook that, in fact, it will likely show gumption and savvy
- Your old job will likely take you back
- Worst case scenario, you take a lower-paid job
- You’d have to take out a big loan, which would result in unending crippling debt
- Or you could get a PayPal loan
- Or a loan from the bank of Muma and Dad
- Or help from a business partner
- Or funding through Kickstarter
The fear set shows us that the only thing to fear is fear itself!
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).
The Connection Between Self-Care and Financial Empowerment for Women
Women are often faced with numerous challenges when it comes to achieving financial empowerment. However, one important aspect that is often...
Women are often faced with numerous challenges when it comes to achieving financial empowerment. However, one important aspect that is often...
O ano está a correr e Eu tranqüila a ver o natal a chegar ;-) Tenho tido Tudo e nada, tenho perdido e achado, tenho dormido e acordado .......