Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

27 July 2021

Increasing Engagement With Facebook Part 2

Ways To Increase Your Facebook Engagement Part 2

This is the second article about increasing your engagement levels on Facebook to receive more free traffic. By following the advice below, you will increase your chances of receiving more comments, likes and shares which will help to generate more free traffic.

1. Create Shorter Posts

Long posts are not a good thing on Facebook. Most users will scroll through their news feeds until they find something that piques their interest. If they see a very long and wordy post then they are likely to skip past this very quickly.

You also need to take into account that the user is very likely to be using a mobile device. Reading a long post on a phone is not a good experience so you will lose people if you do this. 

It is possible for you to attract the attention of your audience with just a single sentence. The idea is that you want to tell them something interesting and then give them the option to read the full story on your website.

Why not just ask your audience a question? People naturally respond to questions. Or post an image with an intriguing caption on it that will make users curious. You can quote some interesting statistics and persuade the user to click through to the article on your website for the full story. Just keep your posts short.

2. Ask a Question

It is easier to get more engagement if you ask your audience a question. When you ask the right question users will feel compelled to answer. Make it as easy as possible for people to respond to your questions. Create a numbered list and ask your audience to respond by just typing in the appropriate number.

When people are using Facebook they don’t want to work hard. Don’t ask questions and expect your audience to provide a very detailed answer as most of them won’t. For example, you could ask them what subject they would like you to post about next and then give them numbered choices.

Use these questions to increase your engagement:

  • Why do you like…?
  • How do you…?
  • What is your favourite…?
  • Do you agree that…?
  • Do you need help with…?

Just think that all Facebook users are very lazy (this may not be true but when you make something easy for users you will get a better response). Put some thought into your questions so that you get the information that you need.

3. Use Facebook Stories

Few marketers use Facebook Stories. This is probably because it takes more time and effort to create them. But the good thing about stories is that they appear at the top of user news feeds just like they do on Instagram. This is really good exposure.

Facebook users like stories. When you post some good stories you will warm up your audience to want to see more of your content. Some of them will look at previous posts on your Facebook Page that they hadn’t read before.

There are a number of examples where Facebook users have shown more interest in a business after reading their stories. They are powerful so work out how you can create good stories and add them as often as you can.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

22 June 2021

Best Types Of Facebook Content


What Are The Best Types Of Facebook Content?

The correct answer to this question will always be “whatever your audience wants” but that would mean that this article would be very short so we will give you some useful pointers here. The type of content that you post on Facebook will certainly affect your engagement rates and the traffic that you get from the platform.

  • Your Facebook Page

Before we get into the different types of content that get the best results let’s talk about your Facebook Page. You need to make this as attractive as possible to your audience and this means that your cover photo needs to be good and so does your intro and the other components.

Pay careful attention to your cover photo. If this is of poor quality or looks like a 5-year-old created it then this will certainly put users off. Nobody is going to look at any of your content if your Facebook Page sucks.

  • High-Quality Image

Facebook is a very visual medium. Users want to see good images that inform and entertain them. Don’t just get a lot of stock photos and use these. Take photographs of yourself and other people in your business.

Images with captions on them are good for getting clicks through to your website. You do not need to be a Photoshop genius to create striking captions for your images. You can use free online tools such as to add good looking captions for free.

Try to use images that are related to your niche. If you own a restaurant, for example, post images of your best dishes and the décor of your establishment. Take pictures of your kitchen and the people that work in it.

Get busy with your camera and take as many interesting photographs as you can. People share a lot of photographs on Facebook so you need to do the same. Humorous images work well as do pictures of beauty.

  • Use Native Video

Did you know that each day on Facebook users views over 8 billion videos? This shouldn’t surprise you as the video is really popular these days with sites like keeping people informed and entertained all of the time.

It is natural for you to create videos about your business and upload them to YouTube because it is the largest video platform. But if you just add links to YouTube videos in your Facebook posts you will miss out on a lot of potential views.

We recommend that you create videos just for Facebook and upload these natively to the platform. Facebook will always give native videos a higher priority than links to external video platforms.

Facebook users like native videos as well as they do not have to leave the social network to view them. Create square style videos especially for your Facebook posts. There are several online tools that will help you to do this. As most people use mobile devices to log in to Facebook, square videos just look a lot better in their news feeds.

  • Short Posts are better

Make your Facebook posts as short as you can. Facebook users do not want to read a 1,000-word post. Provide some interesting facts about the long post on your website and let the user click through if they want to read more.

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

23 December 2020

How to Market on Social Media and Gain More Followers


Using social media to grow your business, generate leads, and build your brand may seem like a monumental task. However, there are specific things that you can do to increase your chances of success. Whether you are just getting started with marketing your business on social media or have been active on sites like Twitter and Facebook for years, but haven't achieved much success, here are some proven techniques to help you gain more followers.  

  • Create a Plan

If you don’t take the time to plan your social media marketing strategy, you will never achieve success. Don’t make the mistake of blindly jumping into social media without a solid plan. Your plan should consist of mini-plans for each of the social media platforms that you plan to use.  

  • Post Consistently

Sending out a single tweet in a day isn’t going to cut it. While certain platforms like Snapchat and Instagram don't move as fast as Twitter and Facebook, it still is essential to develop a posting schedule and stick to it. If you aren’t publishing new content on a regular basis, your business will quickly be forgotten. 

  • Post More Images

Photos have been shown to be the most popular kind of content for engagement on social media. They continue to be the most shared kind of post on Facebook. It’s not a coincidence that both Pinterest and Instagram have been able to gain a ton of traction over the last several years. It’s never been easier to add images to your social media posts with a vast array of free and low-cost tools to help. 

  • Interact with Your Audience

Interacting with your audience on your social media channels can be a game-changer. The entire purpose of social media is to engage and socialize with others. This means it is imperative for you to interact on a regular basis with your audience. Engaging with your audience means replying to other people's posts, retweeting, adding people to Twitter lists, liking posts, and adding @mentions to your posts. It is essential for you to switch from one-way communication to two-way communication if you want to build your audience.

With these social media marketing tips, you’ll be well on your way to establishing your brand and building an engaging and valuable audience across all your social media channels. Some of the largest brands have found success with these tactics, and they can work for your business too. 

Written by Yola Bastos
Women Flix, Supporting women all the way to success.

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