11 July 2022

The Benefits of Living Off the Grid

Everything you have done as you choose to live off the grid will be paid for in the end. This way of life comes with challenges but it also has lots of benefits that will really make you happy and proud of yourself once you are able to achieve success.

Before you learn the benefits of living off the grid, you should focus first on the top reasons why you must prefer to spend your life in this way. These reasons will motivate you to do whatever it takes just to reap the advantages in the end.

The Top 10 Reasons to Live Off the Grid

  • To become more aware of the environment

  • To have a more independent lifestyle not only for yourself but for your loved ones as well

  • To feel security as you are far from the concerns associated with the busy city

  • To learn how to become the master of your own fate

  • To obtain a simple and more satisfying way of life

  • To learn how to produce your own foods

  • To achieve a kind of life that is totally free from debt and learn how to be prudent

  • To understand that regardless of what may happen to the world, your own family is ready

  • To learn how you will be able to live off the land

  • To become an example to your children and give them a bequest of independence

When you follow these reasons with all of your heart, you will meet success and you will attain the benefits of the grid way of life. 

These advantages are the following:

  • Reduced cost of energy – when you prefer to spend your life in this way, the cost of your monthly electrical bill will drop significantly. The truth is, in some instances, the electric company might even cut you a check.

  • Freedom from being dependent on the utility grid- You will not have constant reliance on the utility grid. Other people believe that the grid will never be available forever. It will never happen and that is true.

  • Reduced risk of climate-related incidence of power loss – if the weather becomes funky, power may still be available. But, when a powerful storm hits your location, the power grid will be affected and it will lose its capacity to produce and provide power. That’s the right time to use alternative sources of energy.

  • Lots of home design choices – most designs of houses today could be off the grid. While these homes are typically smaller, it will not be the case at all times. The grid way of living is not simply something that folks on this planet do. Though, these home styles are energy-efficient and excellent choices so you may desire to look into them.

  • Increased knowledge about the environment- You’ll get a completely new education when you choose to live off the grid. Managing the alternative power systems, living in a simpler way and learning the most effective ways to save provide a hands-on education that you will never get wholly from the books. Most of the off the grid homestead dwellers think of this way of life as a life choice and not as a way their house is designed.

  • Reduced carbon footprint – your carbon footprint will be diminished once you live off the grid. You can determine how much your carbon footprint is by using a carbon footprint calculating tool.

So now that you have learned everything about living off the grid, are you ready enough to face the challenge? If you are 100% sure then take it!

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix 

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

4 July 2022

How Important Is It to Live in the Here and Now

What do you mean by living in the here and now? It means that you are not thinking about your past and not worrying about the future. If you are living in the present, you are living in the life of reality. Your past and future are only illusions.

To live in the present means that you are ready to face the world. Since you are not depending on your past, you will always be contented with your present life.

If you are still sealed with your past, here are the best things you can do to live in the present:

Being Present

  • Be Conscious of Your Surroundings and Stop Beating Yourself Up- If you are aware of your surroundings, you don’t have to think about your past life. It means that your attention will be on your present situation. You also need to smile and congratulate yourself for everything you have done.

  • Remove Unwanted Possessions – If you don’t want to live in the past, you have to remove all the things to forget them. Then, start living in the present by focusing on the things you need to do.

  • Forgive Past Hurts – If you are still attached to your past situations, it is hard for you to face the reality and your present situation. So, make sure that you choose to forgive and move on. Though the harm is there, you have to take action to ensure that it will never affect your present moods and activities.

  • Dream for Your Future while Working Hard Today - There is nothing wrong if you dream big. What matters most is what you are doing at present to fulfil your dreams. So, start setting goals and plan for your future.

  • Stop Worrying – Unlike others, you will never appreciate the beauty of life if you keep on worrying too much. Take note that tomorrow is another day. Whether you worry about it or not, things will happen.

Living in the present is not as easy as you think. This is often observed if one cannot easily forget the things that happened in the past. The past teaches everything you need to know. With your past, you learned from your mistakes and make your life even more effective than before. Your future, on the other hand, is the result of your present actions.

Planning for the future means taking on board the things that you want to happen. Why do you need to live in the present? Living in the present means that you are aware of your present situation, but with a commitment to the future and an appreciation of your past. Through this, it is easy for you to manage your life. You can plan a strategy to create a positive way to get what you really want.

If you are facing hardship in life, it is easy for you to solve it. In case you have a huge company, you can also decide which skills need to be implemented and how to handle your business. Living in the present also allows you to appreciate the things and people around you. If you are focusing on your past or future alone, expect that you will never enjoy your life. You will also neglect the things that you need to do.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix 

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

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