Showing posts with label Practice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practice. Show all posts

23 September 2021

5 Tips for Successful Affirmations

Affirmations can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you manifest all your desires. However, if they aren't done correctly, they can be a complete waste of time. The key to finding success with your positive affirmations is to have an unshakeable confidence that what you are stating will happen. Here are five more tips that you can use to take your success with affirmations to the next level. 

Tip #1 – Be Specific

The more detail you can include in your positive affirmations the more real it will become, and the more believable it is. Just like when you are setting your goals, you need to inform your Reticular Activating System what it is you want to achieve. You need to aim to be as specific as possible. When you can be specific with your affirmations, they can provide you with the motivation and opportunity to get everything you desire.

Tip #2 – Use Active Visualization

It isn't enough to merely read your affirmations off of a card and then quickly move onto the next one. You have to visualize the affirmations. You have to read each affirmation and then spend a few minutes imagining what it will be like when the statement is achieved. Think about what you will see, what you will hear, what smells you'll experience, and what feelings you'll have about the achievement.

Tip #3 – Utilize Audio Motivation

Music can be a potent tool to use with your affirmations. When you read your affirmations, consider listening to some motivational, stirring, or upbeat music. Listening to music can help to stir up the feelings inside you. It is your feelings that generate the internal vibrations that will ultimately move you closer to your desires.

Tip #4 – Use Images

Take the time to overlay your affirmations over some appropriate background pictures. If you aren't skilled in Photoshop, you can just look at relevant images after you've read your statements out loud. When you look at images that are congruent with your affirmations, it will generate some excitement. This excitement will get you vibrating in a positive way that will help you attract your desired outcome.

Tip #5 – Believe That They’ve Already Been Achieved

You always want to state your affirmations in the present tense. For example, instead of saying, “I will lose weight by the end of the month,” say “I’ve reached my ideal weight with ease.” With the Law of Attraction if you say “I want to lose weight,” it hears the words “I want” and will leave you in a constant state of wanting. 

Affirmations can work for you when done correctly. Consider these tips when you're creating your affirmations to be successful and manifest all your life's desires.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 
 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

16 September 2021

5 Steps for Writing Your Affirmation Statement

Too many of us go about our days with negative thoughts bouncing around in our heads. Unfortunately, when we think like this, our mood, confidence, and outlook on life can become negative as well. The problems with negative thoughts are they can end up becoming self-fulfilling prophecies. They can end up talking us into believing we aren't good enough, which ultimately results in our personal lives being dragged down. If we can deliberately use positive thoughts about ourselves instead, the effect can be just as powerful. Here are five steps to take to write your own positive affirmation statements.

Think About What You Want to Change

Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Do you wish you could have more patience? Do you want to be more productive at work? Consider several areas or behaviours that you would like to work on in your life and write them down. You want to make sure that they are compatible with your core values and those things that matter to you. This will keep you motivated to achieve them. 

Make Sure They’re Credible and Achievable

Your affirmation must be based on a realistic assessment of the facts. You need to keep the feasible and realistic because affirmations aren't magic spells. If you can't believe that you will achieve what you are stating, then it is highly unlikely that it will make an impact on your life.

Turn Negatives Into Positives

If you struggle with negative self-talk, take the time to write down the persistent thoughts and beliefs that are bothering you. Then write an affirmation that is the opposite of that belief. For example, if you always think that you aren't talented enough to move ahead in your career, turn it around and write an affirmation like, "I am an experienced and skilled professional."

Write Your Affirmation in the Present Tense

For your affirmation to be effective, you have to write it in the present tense, as if it is already happening to you. Writing in the present tense helps your subconscious to believe that the statement is true. 

Say it With Emotion

When your affirmations carry the emotional weight, they will be more effective. You have to want this change to happen, so the statements that you choose to repeat should be something that is meaningful to you. For example, if you are worried about a new project that you have to complete, you can repeat to yourself, "I am incredibly excited to take on a new challenge."

Repeating positive affirmations regularly can help you overcome negative thoughts and help you manifest all your desires. Follow these five simple steps, and you'll have powerful statements that you can use daily.   

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

9 September 2021

5 Steps for Making Affirmations Work for You

The powerful technique of affirmations has helped thousands of people obtain everything they desire. Many people practice positive affirmations daily, but not everyone manages to benefit. Affirmations work a lot like visualization and setting goals. If you practice affirmations but aren't enjoying the results, then you are probably doing something wrong. Here are five simple steps for making affirmations work for you.

Step #1 – You Must Feel It

Many people don't see results from their daily affirmations because they are merely doing it for the sake of doing it. They aren't associating any emotions or feelings with their affirmations. If you want your affirmations to work for you, then you have to include positive feeling words in your affirmations. When you can feel the emotions, your affirmations will become much more powerful and effective.

Step #2 – Repetition is Key

You will never achieve significant results by taking a single step. The same principle also applies to your affirmations. You have to practice them every day if you want to make them real. You can't just do it once and then forget about it. You have to repeat your affirmations every day until it becomes a habit. When your affirmations become habits, only then will you start seeing the results.

Step #3 – Turn Your Affirmations Into Your Habit

If you want to get the most out of your positive affirmations, you have to turn the practice into a habit. This means that you should repeat your statements at the same time every day. The best times to practice your affirmations is once in the morning and once before you go to sleep. Repeating your affirmations right before you go to sleep at night, helps your subconscious mind continue to work on what you want in your life.

Step #4 – Belief That it Will Happen

Most people will do their affirmations, but they don't believe that they are going to get what they desire. If you don't believe in something, you will never put in the effort required to obtain it. You will never take action. Your beliefs define your action, and when you believe that you are going to achieve it, you will do whatever it takes to get it. 

Step #5 – Commit and Take Action

If you want your affirmations to work for you, then you have to put in your commitment to achieving what you want. If you want to have a slim body, then you have to be committed to that outcome and take action by working out and eating better.

If you want your affirmations to work for you, then you have to be determined that they will. Practice your affirmations daily, with feeling and emotion, and you'll be amazed at how quickly your desires are manifested.

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

 Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

 Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

26 August 2021

3 Mistakes to Avoid In Your Daily Affirmation Practice

Affirmations can be an incredibly powerful tool that you can use to help you achieve your life's desires. Thousands of people use positive affirmations to obtain success and realize their dreams. However, there are just as many who practise affirmations but never see results. This might be because they are not using them correctly. Here are three mistakes you want to avoid in your daily affirmation practice if you want them to work for you.

Giving Up Too Early

With affirmations, consistency is incredibly important. Once you get started with your practice, the repetition has a lasting effect that will continue to build upon itself. Repeating your affirmations daily make it much easier to maintain. Plus, every time you say the statement you significantly magnify the results. The mistake that many people make is that they give up the process entirely too early. When you give up too soon, you don't give the affirmations enough time to set into your subconscious.

Using a Different Affirmation Each Day

Using a different affirmation every day is like trying to work on a dozen various projects at once. Since each project requires your energy and attention, you can't help but shift your focus and effort from project to project. However, if you want to see results right away, then you have to focus on just one affirmation and stick with it. When it comes to affirmations, it is all about focus. To make your affirmations effective, you have to use the same affirmation daily for at least 30 days.

Lack of Attention Mastery

If you've been using positive affirmations for a while and have yet to achieve results, and you've tried everything else, it could mean that you aren't entirely focusing your attention on the affirmation. The reality is that most people have incredibly short attention spans, and they are distracted continuously like toddlers. To make your statements work for you, you have to master your attention span, which only comes with practice. By practising your positive affirmations daily, you can learn how to master your attention. When you can learn how to master your attention, you will start to master your manifestations.

If you haven’t had success with your daily affirmations yet, don’t worry, you just have to make a few simple changes to your daily practice. Avoid the mistakes listed above, and you’ll quickly find success with using affirmations to achieve everything you desire. 

Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder Women Flix 

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success! 

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).

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