24 February 2022

The Importance Of A Good BackStory

The Importance Of A Good BackStory 

You will gain more influence over your audience when you have a good back story. This is your personal story about how you started and how you got to where you are today. Without a good back story, your audience will not warm to you as much and you will not get as much free traffic as you could from Facebook.

Use the Zero to Hero approach

Most people start their business from nothing so be sure to add a “zero to hero” element to your back story. You want to give your audience hope that they can do the same thing as you start from scratch.

We are not suggesting that you are dishonest in any way with your back story. But emphasizing that it was a real struggle for you to start with is something that most of your audience will resonate with.

Nobody launches a business and is successful overnight so tell people about your journey. What sacrifices did you have to make? Maybe you had very little money and had to be really resourceful to get your business idea off the ground?

Let’s use an example here. You are a successful online entrepreneur. It is something that you always dreamed of doing and you have finally made it. Now you can help others to do the same through your Facebook Page. 

Many people have a dream of making it online. Think back to what you did to become successful. Did you try many different things before you found the one that was right for you? Many people try different online business models and are not successful so they will relate to this.

Perhaps you spent all of the money that you had on training courses and programs that promised to provide you the secrets of online success. Did any of these help you or were they just a waste of time? Again many people that dream of online success spend a lot of money on courses that do not really help them.

You were once a Nobody

Make it clear in your back story that you were once a “nobody” that had nothing. Through hard work and dedication, you were able to turn everything around and become successful. You want your audience to feel that they can do what you did.

Your audience is going to want to ask you questions about how you worked everything out and made a success of your online business. They will want to know if you had to make significant mindset changes to get where you are today for example.

You need to answer all of their questions in the form of Facebook posts and the products and services that you offer. Once people know, like and trust you they will be a lot more willing to check out your offers so make sure that you provide value in your Facebook content.

Be Consistent with your Back Story

You need to ensure that the story you tell on Facebook is the same as the one that you tell on your website and your other social profiles. If people are interested in you then they are definitely going to check you out. If they find inconsistent stories then you will lose their trust.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

17 February 2022

Give Your Audience What They Want

Give Your Audience What They Want

It is important that you post the right type of content on Facebook. You need to bear in mind that you are competing with a lot of other content in the news feeds of your audience. When you give your audience what they want then you will get a lot more views and increase your engagement levels through commenting, liking and sharing.

  • Identify your Target Audience

The more that you know about your audience on Facebook the better results you can achieve. Start by creating a persona that describes your ideal audience member. You can create a good persona by asking the following questions:

  • What is their gender? 
  • What is their age range? 
  • Where are they located?
  • What are their interests?
  • What income levels do they have?

There are a lot more questions that you can come up with here. Look online for some good resources on creating the ideal customer persona. Take your time to make this as accurate as possible. It is really important.

  • What Problems does your Audience have?

When you know what problems your audience has you can plan your Facebook content so that you address these questions. By doing this they will perceive you as an expert in your niche and will be more likely to check you out further by visiting your website.

Do your homework here. If you are in the make money online niche then think about the problems that people want to solve:

  • How can they make more commissions?
  • How can they get more traffic to their offers?
  • How can they rank their website on Google?
  • How can they achieve more conversions?
  • What online business model should they use?
  • Which web hosting is the best?
  • How can they build a high converting sales funnel?

There are always problems in all niches. You can join related Facebook Groups and find out what questions members ask the most. When you can solve the problems of your audience they will love you forever!

  • What kind of Content does your Audience like the most?

If you have been using Facebook for a while you can go into Facebook Insights and see which of your posts were the most popular. Examine these posts carefully to determine what made them a hit with your audience.

You can then use this information to shape your future Facebook posts. It is not a good idea to post about the same subjects all of the time as your audience could quickly lose interest. Just figure out the format and other details of winning posts and use this same formula again.

If you don’t have a history of posts then again you can turn to Facebook Groups to find out which posts are popular with your audience. This is easy to see from the number of comments, likes and shares that a post has. 

  • Plan your Content

Once your audience starts to consume your content they will want more and more of it so you need to post on a regular basis so that you don’t disappoint them. Stick to a posting schedule so your audience knows when to expect your next post.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

10 February 2022

Taking It A Step Further: How to Reuse Your PLR

Most online business owners make a crucial mistake with their PLR that limits their mailing list growth – they use it in only the format it came in. For example, you bought a PLR report on how to stop procrastinating. You broke it up into blog posts, created content upgrades, and called it done.

But the truth is you can switch up your PLR content by using different formats like changing text to audio. This can make your content stretch even further. Here’s how to use different formats to grow your list:

  • Turn a Report into Podcast Episodes

You’re probably using at least one PLR report or workbook as an opt-in gift. That’s great for a downloadable gift. But take your text and transform it into audio by creating podcast episodes. 

This doesn’t mean you should have long podcast episodes where you read out the entire content. Instead, grab the main ideas from your PLR content and expand on them in audio. Add new insights and opinions. Brainstorm recommendations you forgot to include the first time around.

At the end of your podcast episode, let listeners know they can download the full report or workbook from your website. Then direct them to your opt-in page so they can sign up for your mailing list. 

  • Live Stream an eBook Chapter

If you have an eBook as an opt-in gift, break it down chapter by chapter. Turn each chapter into a live video using a social media platform like Facebook Live or YouTube streaming. 

Again, your goal is not to read the entire chapter to your viewers. You want to expand on the chapter by going deeper into it. 

If some of the content has changed since you first uploaded it, then talk about that. For example, you might say, “In the eBook, I mentioned a graphics website that’s no longer online, now I recommend ABC tool. It has a similar layout and I like that it’s simple to download the images I’ve created.” 

When you’re winding down, make sure to mention that visitors can download your eBook in its entirety on your website. Provide a link to your opt-in page in the comments section so viewers can easily sign up for your awesome gift. 

  • Create a Challenge from Your Course

If your opt-in gift is a course, consider turning it into a challenge. This works especially well if your challenge is short (think 7-10 days) and has plenty of action steps that your followers can follow through on. 

Create a Facebook group and invite participants. Let them know that they have to sign up for your mailing list and download the course in order to follow along. 

Then show up in the group each day of the challenge. You can do this by starting discussions, creating homework assignments, or using Facebook Live to motivate your challengers.

At the end of each day’s assignment, remind your attendees to sign up for your mailing list so they don’t miss new challenges. Have a special opt-in page for these participants since your challenge can lead to a lot of new traffic and new subscribers. 

Don’t fall into the trap of only using your PLR in only one format. You can recycle your favourite PLR pieces again and again.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

3 February 2022

Creating Content Upgrades with PLR

Many online business owners that use PLR, edit it and publish it on their blogs. They spend a few days promoting it then they let that post die a quiet death and they move on. The problem is that while the post may be informative for the reader, it doesn’t invite them to go deeper.

That’s what a content upgrade is all about. It’s a way of building on the blog content so that visitors are invited to become subscribers who will (hopefully) go on to buy your product or services. 

But don’t freak out thinking that content upgrades have to be difficult. They’re easy to make. All you have to do is take the PLR you posted to your blog and turn it into an upgrade. Here’s how to do just that…

  • Create a Checklist

You know that tutorial you posted to your blog? Summarize each step in just one sentence. Then paste these steps into your favourite word processing software. 

You can use the bullet point feature and select squares for an instant checklist. Now just save it as a PDF and you have a downloadable checklist to include with your tutorial. 

  • Make a Worksheet

Take a PLR article and turn it into a worksheet. All you have to do is come up with 3-7 questions. For example, if your blog post is about overcoming fear, you may want the first question to be something like: “What were you afraid of as a child?” 

Keep asking questions until you help your readers work through their fears. When you’ve finished, save your questions as a PDF and you have a worksheet you can use as a free content upgrade.

  • Design a Resource List

When it comes to creating a resource list, look at the tools or software mentioned in your PLR content. For example, if your PLR content is all about how to make beautiful graphics, it probably mentions websites like PicMonkey or Canva. 

All you need to do is open a document and copy every tool listed in your PLR. Be sure to add links where necessary so subscribers can find what they need easily. Save your list and upload it to your website as a simple content upgrade.  

  • Turn Your Post into a PDF

Sometimes, visitors want to keep your post for future reference. This is especially common for tutorials, recipes, and lists. So, make it easy for visitors to access your content again by providing a PDF of your post.

This is a content upgrade that’s deliciously simple. As soon as your newest post goes live, visit a website like Printer Friendly. Once your conversion is finished, upload your PDF to your website and you have another content upgrade ready to go!

Content upgrades can be simple and easy to make. It just takes a few minutes and you can turn any post into a conversion machine.

Written by Yola Bastos

Women Flix

Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!  

Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ). 

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