Today I decided that I will write ... Write about myself, About what I do, About what I would like to have done, and about what I never end up doing ... Simply, About me, because I am so ... And today I feel like writing ...
29 October 2022
Not Out of WORTH - Real Talk with David Petrovay
27 October 2022
Long Term Advice For Keeping Concentrated As You Approach Your Goals
Break Your Goals Down Into Steps
One tip to do this is to break your goals down into smaller tasks. Want to lose weight? Don’t set the goal of reaching ‘5 stone in 1 year’ because it’s just too distant and too out of your control. Instead, set the goal of exercising 4 times a week for one year.
The weight will take care of itself but the goal you have is much easier to control and much more instantly rewarding – remember what we said about getting that constant dose of dopamine as you get rewarded for hard work? Break your goals down into smaller steps and it will be much easier to use the CBT techniques we discussed earlier to stay focused on them.
Training Your Concentration Thanks
to something called ‘brain plasticity’ – which we touched on earlier – the brain is able to adapt its shape and size depending on how we use it. If you spend lots of time playing the cello for instance, then the area of your brain in the motor cortex responsible for fine finger control will grow over time. New connections will form between neurons and the connections you already have will become thicker.
Likewise, if you spend lots of time concentrating, guess what happens? You train your concentration and that gets bigger too. Very possibly, this would result in an increased size for your anterior cingulate cortex, which would also result in better motivation. Conversely though, if you are constantly switching between tasks and you never concentrate for more than a couple of minutes, your ability to concentrate will atrophy.
This is one of the biggest dangers of the technological world we live in – if you are constantly using your phone or going from one social media site to another, then you’ll find your ability to concentrate wanes. Don’t worry if you’re not a master of concentration just yet. The key thing is that you keep at it – in which case you’ll get better as your brain develops.
Practice concentrating at every opportunity and engage in tasks that require focus. If you do this enough, you’ll eventually develop the necessary areas of your brain and you’ll become masterful at it.
We discussed mindfulness as a part of CBT used to identify the contents of your thoughts. Actually though, mindfulness can also be a more general term that describes a type of meditation where you become more mindful of your own body, mind and environment.
Studies show that practicing mindfulness or any kind of meditation, can help you to be more present in the moment and to have a better long-term focus. If you want to step-up your mental game, then give it a go! Why not try the Headspace app?
Break Your Goals Down Into Steps
The weight will take care of itself but the goal you have is much easier to control and much more instantly rewarding – remember what we said about getting that constant dose of dopamine as you get rewarded for hard work? Break your goals down into smaller steps and it will be much easier to use the CBT techniques we discussed earlier to stay focused on them.
Training Your Concentration Thanks
to something called ‘brain plasticity’ – which we touched on earlier – the brain is able to adapt its shape and size depending on how we use it. If you spend lots of time playing the cello for instance, then the area of your brain in the motor cortex responsible for fine finger control will grow over time. New connections will form between neurons and the connections you already have will become thicker.
Likewise, if you spend lots of time concentrating, guess what happens? You train your concentration and that gets bigger too. Very possibly, this would result in an increased size for your anterior cingulate cortex, which would also result in better motivation. Conversely though, if you are constantly switching between tasks and you never concentrate for more than a couple of minutes, your ability to concentrate will atrophy.
This is one of the biggest dangers of the technological world we live in – if you are constantly using your phone or going from one social media site to another, then you’ll find your ability to concentrate wanes. Don’t worry if you’re not a master of concentration just yet. The key thing is that you keep at it – in which case you’ll get better as your brain develops.
Practice concentrating at every opportunity and engage in tasks that require focus. If you do this enough, you’ll eventually develop the necessary areas of your brain and you’ll become masterful at it.
We discussed mindfulness as a part of CBT used to identify the contents of your thoughts. Actually though, mindfulness can also be a more general term that describes a type of meditation where you become more mindful of your own body, mind and environment.
Studies show that practicing mindfulness or any kind of meditation, can help you to be more present in the moment and to have a better long-term focus. If you want to step-up your mental game, then give it a go! Why not try the Headspace app?
19 October 2022
Therapies for Emotional Overeating
Emotional overeating can make a person feel imprisoned - it can seem like there is no way out of the cycle of feeling sad, angry, anxious and so forth, and then eating to alleviate the emotional pain. There are treatments that are available, though - some of them conventional and some of them alternative.
Conventional therapy, surgery, and medication have all been utilized at one time or another for the treatment of emotional overeating. There are, however, some alternative therapies that are worth exploring. Here are some of them.
Because emotional overeating begins in the mind, hypnosis is said to be effective because it addresses the mind directly with the power of suggestion. Hypnosis is not the mumbo-jumbo stuff of cartoons and swinging pocket watches; it's a clinical practice and many practitioners have used it with success to treat emotional overeating.
The intent of meditation as a treatment for emotional overeating is to "tune in" to the emotional thought center that is driving your cravings and/or binge eating. Meditation, sometimes taking a form called "mindfulness," is the opposite of mindLESSness, which is what often happens in emotional overeating. The person does not really think about what he or she is doing; it's mindless eating.
Herbal Supplements
It seems like every time you turn around there's a new herbal supplement promising to help you lose weight. But there are some herbs that can help with the issue of emotional overeating. Here are some of them.
- Hoodia - This much-publicized herb is said to be effective at appetite suppression and boosting energy. Its effects tend to be subtle, and it also has a good safety record.
- Vitex - This hormone-balancing herb for women may help those whose emotional overeating is influenced by hormone fluctuations.
- Ginseng - This ancient herb is said to help sugar cravings and curb the compulsion to overeat in response to one's emotions. Both American and Asian ginseng are purported to be equally effective.
Acupuncturists are often asked if acupuncture can help with weight loss. The answer, in general, is yes - but not always. However, the good news is that acupuncture tends to be more successful with treating emotional overeating than just overeating. This may be due to acupuncture's alleged ability to release endorphins and boost metabolism - making the client feel better emotionally, effectively curtailing the emotional overeating.
Interestingly, having the right balance of vitamins and minerals may affect emotional overeating - it's not too much of a stretch to speculate that nutritional deficiencies could play a part in this kind of overeating. So make sure you're not eating a lot of artificial, processed, pre-packaged foods; opt for fresh, whole foods as a general rule. It's also a good idea to take a vitamin and mineral supplement that is formulated for your gender and life situation.
12 October 2022
When The Warrior Fails
Usually, the most successful people are also the ones who are best at coping with failure. The reason for this is that they fail more than most people but they just never give up. That also means that they do more than most other people who quit the moment failure knocks on their door. There are many ways to cope with failure but you must understand that it is going to hurt when you fail.
Sometimes it may feel like the only thing you ever learn from a failure is that you failed. While this is not true, it will seem that way. We are all human and no one likes to see their efforts go to waste. It could be a business venture that collapses. Or maybe your relationship with your spouse crumbles and is beyond repair. Maybe your health takes a turn for the worse despite living a healthy lifestyle. All these are events.
Understanding this point makes all the difference between handling failure successfully or letting it break you. Failure is an event, not a person. Like they say, never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart. It will hurt and there will be disappointment but you must embrace the experience and push forward.Success is not final and failure is not fatal. As long as you’re breathing you still can turn your failures into successes.
It’s time to discover the 7 secrets that successful people use to cope with failure.Different individuals may do it differently but the general rule of thumb is this – Failure is always temporary. Failure is not the opposite of success. It is part of success. Now let’s look at how you can cope with it when it comes your way… and you can rest assured that it will. So be prepared.
1. Don't take it personally
This is the biggest mistake that most people make. They blame themselves when things go wrong. Or they blame other people. When you do not separate failure from how you identify yourself, then your self-esteem will drop and you’ll be much more tempted to quit.
People usually quit on their dreams because they don’t believe that they’re capable of achieving what their hearts desire. They feel that it’s too hard and the reason they feel that way is because they may have failed. For example, when someone is trying to lose weight and watching their diet closely, there will be times when they give in to temptation and eat something they shouldn’t. When this happens, they feel guilt and regret that they failed at maintaining their diet.
What do they do then? They toss their diet aside and gorge themselves on food that they’re not supposed to. They believe that they lack the self-discipline to stay focused and lose weight… Just because of one temporary lapse in judgment. This is ridiculous and it’s like accidentally dropping your mobile phone once only to pick it up and keep smashing it on the ground over and over because of one accident. It doesn’t make sense… and yet people act in a similar way.
When you fail at something, whether it’s with your blog or your email marketing or if your latest product launch is a flop, do not assume that you’re useless and just throw in the towel. What defines you is how well you rise after falling.So the most important point to note is that you should not let failure define you as a person. Always know that you can do better.
2. Learn From Your Mistakes
All the most successful people have learned from their mistakes and try not to repeat them. Failure can also be treated as feedback. If some aspect of your online business fails, ask yourself why this happened. For example, if your product launch was a flop, there must be a reason why. Was your niche unprofitable? Did the sales page convert poorly? Did you not actively recruit affiliates?
Analysis is very important so that you do not repeat the same errors. This is the only way to make progress and succeed.Michael Eisner, the Chairman and CEO of the Disney Corporation said, “Failure is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit.”
The only way to prevent failure from becoming a habit is to take stock of your situation, learn from your mistakes and adapt. Try to maintain a certain degree of detachment so that you can evaluate your failure without feeling bitter. Sometimes it might be a good idea to take a break for a short while and come back to it when you’re feeling better. Either way, ALWAYS analyze your failures.
3. Stop Dwelling On Your Failures
You may have noticed that all some people can talk about is how life has treated them so badly. No matter what they do, they fail at it due to bad luck or unforeseen circumstances. We’ve all seen people like these… and while you may not know why these things happen to them, you know that things like these always seem to happen to people like them.Harsh but very true. Do not dwell on your failures.
Analyze them and move on. You have better things in store for you. Missed out on an opportunity? No worries. Better ones are coming your way. Product launch flopped? That’s ok the next one will sell thousands. Picked the wrong niche to monetize? No big deal. You now know how to find niches with people waiting to buy stuff. Problem solved.
It is inevitable to lose time, effort and money when something fails. If you keep focusing on what is lost, you’ll never be able to focus on what you can gain and there is so much more out there for you.
Focus on the positive and bury your failures.
4. Model Other Marketers
There’s a saying that you should always learn from the mistakes of others because you’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself. When trying to build an online business, instead of believing all the hype that you see in all the infoproducts that flood the market, you’d be better off watching what the successful marketers are doing. Do what they do and not what they say.
Most beginners to online marketing encounter failure repeatedly because they follow untested theory and blindly believe what they read or hear. You have to be smarter than that. If whatever you’re doing seems to be failing, then you need to look at what other marketers who are succeeding are doing then model them.
That alone will reduce your learning curve and put you on the path to online success. Stop being like a housefly that repeatedly bangs its head on the window hoping to get out when the door is wide open for it to go through.
5. Assess Your Finances
One of the biggest concerns marketers have when they fail is that they’ve lost money. Creating a product costs money. Testing out ads costs money. Outsourcing costs money. There is no getting away from this. In fact, to run any business you need money. It’s like oxygen for your business and without it, your business will shrivel up and die. So, it’s crucial that you have a source of income coming in to tide you over if any online endeavour fails.
Some marketers quit their day jobs to make their online business work. When the business fails and the bills start piling up, they start getting desperate. At times like these, you just may need to get another job to get back on your feet. Do not feel like you have failed and are doomed to a life of ‘working for the man.’ This is just a temporary setback and like Joel Osteen, always says, “A setback is a set up for a comeback.”
Go ahead and take that job. It will feel like retrogression but you must understand that even a tiger crouches before it leaps. Once you have money coming in, the pressure that your finances are causing you will ease. You’ll be able to save up some money to keep funding your online business. That’s really how it is. Sometimes you just don’t have a choice.
Do not throw your efforts down the drain and quit online marketing totally just because you failed a couple of times. As long as you keep learning and doing, success is inevitable.
6. Release the Need for Approval from Others
This is a very common fear and makes failure seem worse than it really is. People often worry what others will think or say about them when they fail. It’s definitely true that you’ll have friends and family members who will tell you, “I told you so!” when you fail. Some of them may even take pleasure in it. This is human nature. It could even be your spouse or parents who don’t support your dreams.
When you fail and see their disapproving looks or hear their sarcastic words, it can seem worse.The truth of the matter is that you only have one life to live and you need to live it for yourself. It doesn’t matter what others say or think about you. Just because others think you’re dumb for failing doesn’t mean that you’re really foolish.
How people see you should have zero impact on how you see yourself. Have faith in yourself and don’t pay heed to the naysayers.
7. Take a Break
Time heals all wounds. Sometimes when failure really gets to you, it may be time to take a break and put some space between you and your business. This will help to clear your mind so that you can think objectively. While taking a break, you can self-reflect and think about your future plans. You may decide to have backup plans to correct any future failures or problems that may crop up.
Take the time to exercise. Research has shown that hard training like boxing, Crossfit, sprinting, etc. help people to release pent up frustration and anger. This can be therapeutic when coping with failure. Instead of hitting the bottle, you can hit a punching bag or lift heavy weights explosively during CrossFit sessions. Do what suits you best.
What is most important is that you not let failure make you quit. That is the most common consequence of failure. People fail a few times and they quit. If you read the story of Colonel Sanders, you’d realise that he was turned down 1,009 times before he finally found someone who would use his recipe. Walt Disney was turned down over 300 times before he received financing for Disney World.
8 October 2022
Real Talk with Marina Yanay-Triner - The #compassionate #somatic #coach
Marina Yanay-Triner is the compassionate somatic coach. She works with people who are disengaged with life, burnt out and checked out, to support them in experiencing more joy and aliveness in their lives.
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5 October 2022
Get The Mindset Of Winning
The following are some essential information that you need to know about getting the winning mindset:
What is a Mindset?
Your mindset is who you are. It is composed of your beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and thoughts. Mindset is a simple idea that creates all the differences. It creates productivity and motivation in sports, education, and business. It is what successful athletes, business people, and educators have.
1. Believe in Yourself
You have to believe that you can do anything. You have to trust in your skills, knowledge, and capability when dealing with the challenges that you will face as you tread the path towards success.
2. Make a Plan and Create a Strategy
Part of having a winning mindset is to create a plan that will serve as your guide in reaching your goals. On the other hand, having the right strategy can make such goals easier to achieve. Most of the time, it requires an appropriate set of behaviors and a vision for the future. Without a holistic and flexible strategy, your are more likely to fall short in achieving what you want to achieve in your life.
3. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses
People who have the mindset of a winner are those who know how to use their skills and strengths to give them the will to win and enforce a positive attitude. They are also not afraid to fail and never give up.
4. Practice Self-Awareness
Top performing people are aware of the things that they have, the ones that can motivate and help them achieve their goals. Being aware of the things that they are good at can provide them with a competitive edge over their competitors. They also know how to manage such things in order to prevent them from becoming their weaknesses.
5. Be Brave Enough to Face Your Challenges
If you really wanted to win, you need to be brave enough to face your fears and challenges. You have to be ready to fight and take “No” for an answer. If you want help, never be afraid to ask for it especially when such help can greatly increase your chances of accomplishing your goals.
Take Care Of Your Body
One of the keys to having a happier living and a healthy lifestyle is to know how to take care of your body. Whatever task you want to accomplish or any goal that you want to achieve can be done easily if you are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
Your body and your mind are connected with each other. If you are living an unhealthy lifestyle, you are more likely to make unhealthy choices. Likewise, being active can help in improving your moods and lessen your chances of suffering from depression.
The following are some tips on how to can take care of your body for a much happier and healthier life:Eat
Choosing fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean meat and poultry are much better than eating junk foods, carbonated drinks, and fast foods. By eating healthy, you will receive the nutrients, vitamins, and energy that you need to combat the stress brought by a day’s work. As part of your effort to eat healthy, you should not forget to drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated and to remove toxins from your body.
Take Time to Relax
No matter how busy your schedule is, it is important that you take a break from the things that make you feel stressed and find time to clear your mind and relax. Whenever you’re at work, taking a break even for just a few minutes can make a big difference in the way you handle your job.
Exercising is an activity that will allow you to rejuvenate yourself. Exercising does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym. There are certain activities that can help you become fit while still having fun. It is advisable that you engage in any type of exercise or physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day.
Get Enough Rest and Sleep
Resting and sleeping allows you to regain the energy that you have lost during the whole day’s work. Having enough sleep and rest also have an impact on your ability to function well, on your mood, and on your metabolism.
Practicing good hygiene is another way to take care of your body.
This will prevent you from experiencing different kinds of diseases. Good hygiene means that you are health inside and out. You need to take a bath regularly, clean your teeth, trim your nails, put on clean clothes, and more.
The Connection Between Self-Care and Financial Empowerment for Women
Women are often faced with numerous challenges when it comes to achieving financial empowerment. However, one important aspect that is often...
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Women are often faced with numerous challenges when it comes to achieving financial empowerment. However, one important aspect that is often...
O ano está a correr e Eu tranqüila a ver o natal a chegar ;-) Tenho tido Tudo e nada, tenho perdido e achado, tenho dormido e acordado .......