Today I decided that I will write ... Write about myself, About what I do, About what I would like to have done, and about what I never end up doing ...
Simply, About me, because I am so ...
And today I feel like writing ...
Founder of Cathy’s Crawly Composters (est 2002), Cathy’s Sprouters and Cathy’s Laughter Club. She is a multi award-winning environmental innovator who uses workshops and inspirational speaking to motivate people to live a more sustainable life.
Cathy is a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.
Appointed Laughter Ambassador in 2017 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga.
Sometimes, the never-ending responsibilities that people have to accomplish on a daily basis keep them from taking care of their inner self – their soul. While the soul is invisible to the outside world, it is still a living thing that needs to be given particular attention and needs to be cared and nurtured. People strive to do their best and be the best that they can be.
However, they often forget to keep peace in their soul. The health and condition of your soul matter in everything that you do in life. Every soul needs a degree of health. But how can you keep your soul healthy so that it would make it easier for you to improve the quality of your life.
The following are some tips on how you can take care of your soul:
Meditation has become a new trend and lifestyle in this modern world. It provides tremendous benefits to your body, mind, and soul. Meditation empowers your soul, which becomes an important source of love, power, and wisdom. It also helps you attain higher consciousness.
It is recommended that you meditate regularly. Start by taking 15 to 30 minutes of your day to practice breathing exercises. The more you meditate, the more you will find it easy to deal with your day-to-day problems.
Stop Thinking Too Much
You cannot solve your problems all at ones. Life is about learning and discovering new things. Thinking too much about the problems that you are experiencing can sometimes result to more troubles. Take and deal with your problems one at a time.
Learn to Forgive
As mentioned, you have to learn to forgive not just those who have done wrong to you but also yourself. Forgiveness will free you from negativity, resentment, pain, and anger.
Accept and Embrace Your Imperfections
Nobody is perfect. Don’t think that others are better than you. Each individual has his own flaws. Learn to embrace your imperfections and accept yourself as a whole. Your flaws make things interesting and help reveal your individuality.
Take a Break
For at least once a week, try to give yourself your own “ME” time. Unplug yourself from all the things that can make you feel stressed and tired. This means that your “ME” time should be free from internet, emails, phones, and other things that can distract you. The best way to unwind and take a break is to travel to peaceful places.
Practice Least-Resistance
Some people waste too much of their soul energy trying to become resistant to certain things or situations as well as people whom they do not want to deal with. It would be better if you encounter things or circumstances that are unfavorable to you. You have to learn how to accept such things and determine how you can adapt to the changes that such things will bring.
Read Books to Expand Your Mind and Imagination
They say that books are food for the soul. In this regard, it is highly recommended that you read books to expand your mind and your imagination. There are several nonfiction and fiction books that are available in both online and offline stores that will enable you to improve your social perception, increase your awareness and consciousness about reality, and feed your brain.
Make Peace With Yourself
You may be a compassionate person who always wants to make the people around you happy and meet their needs. But have you even given enough of that compassion to your own self? Have you provided yourself with the things that you need to feed your mind, body, and soul? You have to take responsibility for your own soul and for your choices, behaviors, thoughts, and needs.
Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix and Founder of Beautifly Digital
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!
Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).
Many people suffer from a lack of confidence. This is nothing to be ashamed of, though. Unfortunately, it’s been a part of our society for a while now, making it a common problem.
Here is a list of ways that people have been able to deal with their lack of confidence.
1. Live in the moment. When you live in the moment you can focus on the now rather than focus on the past where you experienced your hurt and encountered your fears. You can then be unconcerned and hopeful about your future without the pressure of your past looming up behind you and making your confidence plummet once again. This mindfulness tool takes time to master as it can be hard to ignore the past making its way back into your mind.
2. Develop awareness. When you’re aware, you can notice how you are acting during certain situations. That way, you’ll create space between your emotions and actions, helping you to respond to someone or something in a healthier way.
3. Write in a journal. Many of our thoughts and feelings are stuck inside the subconscious part of our mind. By writing, we are able to release those thoughts. Once you’re done writing, look over what you wrote and try figuring out why you felt a specific way. We can also separate those negative thoughts we tend to have about ourselves from the truth behind who you actually are; a unique person whom can do whatever they set their mind to.
4. Don’t be judgmental. When we approach our lives without judgment, we are able to accept ourselves, our experiences, failures, and successes. On top of that, we are more open to accepting others just as they are, whether they are good or bad.
5. Stay connected to who you are. By doing this you are able to establish a connection with yourself and reduce possible people-pleasing habits. Don’t always think of other needs over your own. You are just as important as everyone else is; don’t forget that!
6. Practice mindful meditation. Meditation allows you to let go off the negative thoughts that invade your mind on a daily basis. Don’t accept those damaging thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs as part of who you are. Take time out of each day to take a couple deep breaths and slowly feel the negativity leave your body and mind.
7. Let it all go. Usually the things you have such low confidence about no one else notices. When you accomplish letting all of the negative thoughts leave your mind, you create a certain trust within yourself and choose what’s best for you.
8. Show yourself some love. Everyone deserves compassion, whether it be from yourself or someone else. When you tell yourself how much you love you, you’ll gain a sense of strength, safety, and acceptance.
Everyone has things they aren’t confident about, whether it be about themselves or a situation they aren’t comfortable in. Each one of us is unique in our own way, but sometimes we forget that. So before getting too down on yourself, remember who you are and remember that you are loved and supported by the people you carry close to your heart.
Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix and Founder of Beautifly Digital
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!
Women Flix Limited, is a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 )
this blog article is mostly for you and my dear readers.
I haven't written any updates about you, my friend Alopecia, since I was diagnosed in March, and I must say that it is good to be focused on other layers of my life as well and move forward.
My friend Alopecia, you are still with me, and that's alright.
Now let's get some updates. By the doctor's conclusion, you came into my life because of an iron deficiency in my body, and that is no longer the situation. Yay! Isn't that wonderful news?! You are smiling (I know you are... ) Thank you for that.
As I said, you are still here, but my iron improved very well and I might continue to take one more dose of 2 months of iron tablets in order to reach a point in my organism that will make my hair grow again. Sometimes I look in the mirror and it seems like I'm losing more hair, other times it looks like it's growing, and it's tough to keep up with that, you know?! One thing I noticed lately is that if the hair is growing, it is white. So cute!
In between all that, I want to share something deeper with you about this trip. I consider it a trip to a beautiful destination where I am becoming a better person, at least to myself.
Since I've been diagnosed with alopecia, different thoughts, situations, and feelings have come into my life.
Let me share one of my interesting examples:
Walking in the streets is not the same anymore, as I see the look other people give me, either with regret or care. My emotions can go up and down very quickly or even slowly; I start to realise that people are kinder to me because of the way that I look, and at the same time, I decided to become kinder as well, to people and to myself. There's magic in these simple moments.
It makes me go further with a better me, and I had to get this amazing friend (alopecia) to recognise that there is still more of me that can be better.
It leaves me thinking of people who are going through this Alopecia journey like me but also other illnesses and/or diseases that has them losing their hair or cutting it. More importantly, I am left wondering about how they feel and live their lives. I'm travelling on a journey that I did not plan and I would like to know more about other people that are going through the same/similar experience or have been in this kind of situation before.
Let me share a video that I made recently, where I'm shaving my hair alone! Yes, alone, because when I had my funky hairstyle I couldn't make it. (Here's another great achievement due to my friend Alopecia!)
Nowadays, every single Friday, I shave my head to decrease the appearance of hair emptiness at the front that I have. I actually started to think that the fact that my iron levels are good now and I'm still taking tablets to increase the empty areas to grow, my other areas with hair are growing like mad lol. It seems to me that it is growing faster ehehehhe...
Follow me on my Instagram and see my videos and pictures from actual moments every week.
Life is always full of surprises. Make sure that you are enjoying the ride.
Everything you have done as you choose to live off the grid will be paid for in the end. This way of life comes with challenges but it also has lots of benefits that will really make you happy and proud of yourself once you are able to achieve success.
Before you learn the benefits of living off the grid, you should focus first on the top reasons why you must prefer to spend your life in this way. These reasons will motivate you to do whatever it takes just to reap the advantages in the end.
The Top 10 Reasons to Live Off the Grid
To become more aware of the environment
To have a more independent lifestyle not only for yourself but for your loved ones as well
To feel security as you are far from the concerns associated with the busy city
To learn how to become the master of your own fate
To obtain a simple and more satisfying way of life
To learn how to produce your own foods
To achieve a kind of life that is totally free from debt and learn how to be prudent
To understand that regardless of what may happen to the world, your own family is ready
To learn how you will be able to live off the land
To become an example to your children and give them a bequest of independence
When you follow these reasons with all of your heart, you will meet success and you will attain the benefits of the grid way of life.
These advantages are the following:
Reduced cost of energy – when you prefer to spend your life in this way, the cost of your monthly electrical bill will drop significantly. The truth is, in some instances, the electric company might even cut you a check.
Freedom from being dependent on the utility grid- You will not have constant reliance on the utility grid. Other people believe that the grid will never be available forever. It will never happen and that is true.
Reduced risk of climate-related incidence of power loss – if the weather becomes funky, power may still be available. But, when a powerful storm hits your location, the power grid will be affected and it will lose its capacity to produce and provide power. That’s the right time to use alternative sources of energy.
Lots of home design choices – most designs of houses today could be off the grid. While these homes are typically smaller, it will not be the case at all times. The grid way of living is not simply something that folks on this planet do. Though, these home styles are energy-efficient and excellent choices so you may desire to look into them.
Increased knowledge about the environment- You’ll get a completely new education when you choose to live off the grid. Managing the alternative power systems, living in a simpler way and learning the most effective ways to save provide a hands-on education that you will never get wholly from the books. Most of the off the grid homestead dwellers think of this way of life as a life choice and not as a way their house is designed.
Reduced carbon footprint – your carbon footprint will be diminished once you live off the grid. You can determine how much your carbon footprint is by using a carbon footprint calculating tool.
So now that you have learned everything about living off the grid, are you ready enough to face the challenge? If you are 100% sure then take it!
Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).
What do you mean by living in the here and now? It means that you are not thinking about your past and not worrying about the future. If you are living in the present, you are living in the life of reality. Your past and future are only illusions.
To live in the present means that you are ready to face the world. Since you are not depending on your past, you will always be contented with your present life.
If you are still sealed with your past, here are the best things you can do to live in the present:
Being Present
Be Conscious of Your Surroundings and Stop Beating Yourself Up- If you are aware of your surroundings, you don’t have to think about your past life. It means that your attention will be on your present situation. You also need to smile and congratulate yourself for everything you have done.
Remove Unwanted Possessions – If you don’t want to live in the past, you have to remove all the things to forget them. Then, start living in the present by focusing on the things you need to do.
Forgive Past Hurts – If you are still attached to your past situations, it is hard for you to face the reality and your present situation. So, make sure that you choose to forgive and move on. Though the harm is there, you have to take action to ensure that it will never affect your present moods and activities.
Dream for Your Future while Working Hard Today - There is nothing wrong if you dream big. What matters most is what you are doing at present to fulfil your dreams. So, start setting goals and plan for your future.
Stop Worrying – Unlike others, you will never appreciate the beauty of life if you keep on worrying too much. Take note that tomorrow is another day. Whether you worry about it or not, things will happen.
Living in the present is not as easy as you think. This is often observed if one cannot easily forget the things that happened in the past. The past teaches everything you need to know. With your past, you learned from your mistakes and make your life even more effective than before. Your future, on the other hand, is the result of your present actions.
Planning for the future means taking on board the things that you want to happen. Why do you need to live in the present? Living in the present means that you are aware of your present situation, but with a commitment to the future and an appreciation of your past. Through this, it is easy for you to manage your life. You can plan a strategy to create a positive way to get what you really want.
If you are facing hardship in life, it is easy for you to solve it. In case you have a huge company, you can also decide which skills need to be implemented and how to handle your business. Living in the present also allows you to appreciate the things and people around you. If you are focusing on your past or future alone, expect that you will never enjoy your life. You will also neglect the things that you need to do.
Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).
The more you understand about the unknown the more you really comprehend how little you understand. It makes you modest and brings you back to the domain of wonders, miracles and magic. A domain in which everything is conceivable.
Please study this article with a wide-open mind. You don't have to trust everything that's written here – simply explore as a scientist would do. When you hit a passage that's hard to grasp, take a break and ponder it a while. Let your mind process this fresh information. Read this article a couple of times, take your time and produce your own experiences.
Those who truly want to attain a financially free mindset, have only to set their minds on it and acquire the proper means, as they do in relation to any other aim which they want to achieve, and it can be easily done. But however simple it might be to make revenue, I have no doubt many will agree it's the hardest thing in the world to hold on to it.
It consists merely in spending less than we bring in; that appears to be a really simple issue. A lot of my readers might say, “we comprehend this: this is the mindset, and we know mindset is wealth; we know we can’t eat our cake and have it as well.”
The Basics
True mindset is misconceived, and individuals go through life without properly grasping what that principle is. One says, “I've an income of so much, and here is my neighbour who has the same; yet yearly he flourishes and I fall short; why is it? I understand all about mindset.” He thinks he does, but he doesn't.
There are women & men who believe that mindset consists in scrimping, in cutting off two cents from the washing bill and doing all sorts of little, mean things. Mindset isn't meanness. The misfortune is, likewise, that this class of individuals let their mindset apply in only one direction. They fancy they're so wonderfully frugal in saving a penny where they should spend two cents that they think they can afford to waste in other directions.
Before kerosene oil was exposed, one might stop overnight at nearly any farmer’s house and get a really good supper, but after supper, he may attempt to read in the living room and would find it impossible with the ineffective light of one candle.
The hostess, seeing his quandary, would state: “it's rather hard to read here evenings; we never have an additional candle except on special occasions." These special occasions happen, perhaps, twice a year. In that way the woman saves 5, 6, or 10 dollars: but the information which may be gained from having the extra light would, naturally, far outweigh a ton of candles.
But the difficulty doesn't end here. Feeling that she is so frugal in candles, she believes she can afford to go often to spend 20 or 30 dollars for ribbons and frills, many of which are not essential. This false belief may frequently be seen in other instances.
You find great businesswomen/men who save old envelopes and scraps of paper. This is all OK; they might in this way save 5 or 10 dollars a year, but being so frugal (only on paper), they believe they can afford to squander time; by having expensive parties, and driving their fancy cars. This is an illustration of “penny wise and pounds foolish.” I never knew a man to succeed by applying this sort of mindset.
A true sound financial mindset consists in always making the profit exceed the expenditure. Wear the old clothes a bit longer if essential; give up the new pair of gloves; fix the old dress: exist on plainer food if need be; so that, under all conditions, unless some unexpected accident happens, there will be an allowance in favour of the profit.
A penny here and a dollar there saved goes on accumulating, and in that way, the desired result is accomplished. It requires some training, possibly, to achieve this mindset, but when once used to it, you'll discover there's more satisfaction in rational saving than in irrational spending.
Here is a formula which I advocate: I've found it to work as a great cure for extravagance, and particularly for mistaken mindset. When you find that you've no surplus money at the end of the year, and yet have a great income, I advise you to take a couple of pieces of paper and mark down each item of expenditure.
Post it daily or weekly in 2 columns, one headed “essentials” or even “comforts”, and the other headed “luxuries,” and you'll discover that the latter column will be double, or more, larger than the former. The true comforts of life cost but a small portion of what most of us may earn.
Think of the keep up with the Jones attitude: One may say; “there's a man who has an income of fifty thousand dollars annually, while I have but one thousand dollars; I knew that young man when he was poor like myself; now he's wealthy and thinks he's better than I am; I'll show him that I'm as good as he is; I will go and purchase a fancy car; no, I can't do that, but I'll go and rent one and ride this afternoon on the same road that he does, and therefore prove to him that I'm as good as he is.”
My friend, you don't have to do all that; you may easily prove that you are “as good as he is;” you've only to behave as well as he does, but you can't make anybody feel that you're rich as he is. Also, if you act like this, and waste your time and spend your income, you'll remain poor, in order that you might keep up “appearances,” and, after all, deceive nobody.
You’ll not advance in the world if your envy forces you into debt. In this country, where we believe the majority ought to rule, we brush aside that principle in reference to style, and let a handful of individuals, calling themselves the aristocracy, run up a fake standard of perfection, and in striving to rise to that standard, we perpetually keep ourselves poor; all the time grinding away for the sake of outside appearances.
How much more sensible to say, “We’ll regulate our expenditures by our income, and save something for a rainy day.” Individuals should be as sensible on the issue of money as on any other subject. Like movements produce like effects. You can't accumulate a fortune by taking the road that leads to impoverishment. Those who live beyond their means, with no thought of a setback in this life, may never attain monetary independence.
Men and women used to satisfy every impulse will find it difficult, initially, to cut back their various unnecessary expenses, and will feel it a great denial to live in a little home than they've been accustomed to, with less expensive furniture, less pricy clothing, less entertainment, and additional extravagances; but, after all, if they'll try saving a “nest-egg,” or judiciously investing, they'll be surprised at the joy from perpetually adding to their little “bundle”.
The old suit, and the old hat, will work for another season; the water tastes better than champagne; a brisk walk will prove more stimulating than a ride in the finest auto; an evening spent playing a family game will be far more pleasant than a 50 dollar night out, when you begin to know the pleasures of saving.
Thousands of women & men are kept poor, and tens of thousands are made so after they've acquired riches, as a result of living beyond their means. “Easy come, easy go,” is an old and true adage. A spirit of pridefulness and vanity, when allowed to have full sway, is the undying problem.
Many individuals, as they set out to prosper, instantly start spending for luxuries, till in a short time their expenses eat up their income, and they become ruined in their absurd attempts to maintain appearances.
Written by Yola Bastos Co-Founder of Women Flix
Women Flix, Supporting Women all the way to Success!
Women Flix Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 13047578 ).